BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive
Tournament: Insull Trophy, New York-London Cable Match • 6 out of 6 games
Venue: RAC Club, London / New York • Date: 5 November 1927 • Download PGN • Last Edited:
Thursday 30 January, 2025 0:37 AM
1927 New York/London Cable Match, 5 November
Bd | London League | 4-2 | New York | Opening | London Teller |
1b | Fred Dewhirst Yates | ½-½ | Frank James Marshall | Giuoco Piano | S Buerger |
2w | Reginald Pryce Michell | ½-½* | Abraham Kupchik | Sicilian | Ralph Eastman |
3b | Edward Guthlac Sergeant | ½-½* | Edward Lasker | QGD | William Henry Watts |
4w | William Winter | ½-½ | Isaac Kashdan | QGD | Ernest Busvine |
5b | Victor Buerger | 1-0* | Anthony Edward Santasiere | Irregular | Harold Meek |
6w | Maurice Edward Goldstein | 1-0 | Morris Abraham Schapiro | Q pawn | George Bowen Quennell |
* adjudicated by Amsterdam club | 4-2 |
Results as recorded in PW Sergeant's A Century of Chess, p365 & BCM, Dec 1927, p490.
[BCM, December 1927, p489, 492]
The second of the new series of cable matches for the Insull Trophy, between British and American cities, was played on Saturday, November 5th [1927]. It will be within the recollection of everybody that London had the satisfaction of holding this trophy after their 4—2 victory over Chicago last year, and according to the rules governing this trophy any American city was entitled to challenge London to a match this year.
As has already been reported in this magazine, it fell to New York to take up the cudgels on behalf of America, and their challenge was duly accepted by London some months ago. The London team were seated in the very comfortable Committee Room of the Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, S.W., and the Manhattan Chess Club acted as hosts for the New York team. There was one change in the English team, Sir George Thomas being unable to play, and M. E. Goldstein consequently coming in as sixth board with E. T. Jesty in attendance as reserve. The only change compared with the previous year’s match was that Yates took the place of Siegheim,
The respective umpires were H. A. H. Carson for America in London and M. S. Kuhns, President of the American Chess Federation, for England in New York. The general arrangements were controlled by Mr. J. R. Hardcastle, the genial secretary of the London Chess League, and it goes without saying that under his capable management, assisted by a band of willing stewards, everything went through without a hitch. Play was from 3-0 to 7-0 p.m. English time, and 8 p.m. to 12 midnight, and during the interval the players, tellers and officials of the London Chess League were entertained to dinner by Mr. Ralph Eastman.
As in the previous year, the moves of the players, who were roped off from the spectators, were displayed upon demonstration boards kindly lent by the City of London Chess Club, so that the spectators were able to follow the vicissitudes of the play without incommoding the players.
Before play started, the president of the London Chess League, Major Sir Richard Barnett, sent a message of greeting to New York, and New York replied in felicitous terms, mentioning also that they had won the toss.
The adjudications have come to hand with commendable promptness, showing a win for London on board 5 and draws on the other two boards. London thus wins by 4 to 2 without the loss of a game, a very fine, and to many players, unexpected result in view of the great strength of the New York team. The London Chess League will no doubt make a special effort to retain the Insull cup next year, should a challenge be received, as in the event of it being won three years in succession it would remain London’s absolute property.
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