Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe - Rugby Under-15s, 1958/59

Back row: PB (Paul) Spittle 4S, C (Chris) Brown 4Y*, CF Pass 4A, CR Brett 4S, R (Robert) Fountain 4Y, RC Harding 4S, KE (Keith, "Keb") Burrows 4A, RA (Rodney) Barr 4X, CG (Chris, "Rer") Rogers 4S, RB Clark 4A, GM Seale 4S, M (Martin) Everitt 4Y
Seated: SW (Bill) Bunce 4X, MJ Mason 4Y, IFL (Ian) Bevan 4S, RL (Bob) Smyth 5X, DA (David) Glass 4Y, RA (Ron) Fewtrell 4S, JA Davies 4S
Ground: DG (David) Orchard 4Y, IRW (Ian) Whitwham 4X, BHJB Cronin 5S, JM (John, son of "Taffy") Davies 4X

* Chris wrote in to identify himself on 4 Dec 2008 - he is F54 in section 6 of the 1960 Senior School photo and C16 in section 2 of the 1958 Junior School photo.

Any comments on the 1958/59 under-15s rugby team, pictured above? If so, please email me. Email John Saunders


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