About Tony Hare
Founder of this website, now retired from webmastering...
In May 2000
I stumbled across the web site of my old school after accidentally
typing "Royal Grammar School High Wycombe" into Google.
The RGS web site looked quite interesting and I couldn't wait to
see if my name appeared on the list of "Famous Old Boys".
Sadly it didn't so I was resigned to sink back into anonymity once
Even looking through the list of Old Boys' e-mail addresses didn't come
up with a single contemporary, let alone a famous one, so I resolved to
contact the "Web master" of the site and let him know that out here in
cyberspace there was still at least one person from my era interested
in having his existence recognised. However my innate inertia soon put
a stop to that resolution and so, as usual, I did nothing.
In October 2001, my discovery of the Friends Reunited
web site re-awakened my enthusiasm and inspired me to produce this website,
centred on my old rolledup copy of the 1956 School Photo
I am not sure really why I bothered to do it; just seeking a bit of glory
I suppose, but there you go.
I have since had many happy email conversations from "boys"
of my era. Sometimes I have been able to link up friends or relatives
of boys in the photo and when this happens it can be very rewarding.
The site has expanded a lot following contributions from others,
and now includes photographs from other years as well as a massive collection of programmes for the Gilbert & Sullivam operas which were performed annually at the time.
I have been offered many more recent photographs but have had to
refuse them as I have other things in life to as well as well as slaving
over a hot computer all day!
I therefore initially restricted my site to boys who attended RGS at some time
during my own years at the school, namely 1951 to 1956.
John Saunders took an interest in the site and has since produced his own version covering later years.
Recently I have been joined by a group of older boys in extending the site backwards into the 1940s. This group now go under the collective title of the 49ers and have made massive contributiond to the site. The group also meet regularly in the High Wycombe area.
Thanks to the efforts of the '49ers this site now has what is probably the best and only collection of publicly available Wycombiensians outside the School itself..
Please note that I am not setting up in opposition to the official RGS
website nor Friendsreunited, both of which are excellent web sites. It’s
all just for a bit of fun.
Please also note that I have no wish
to embarrass or offend. If you see anything objectionable at all, please
email and I will remove it at once.
If anybody ever visits this site I would welcome an email just to say
you've been here and my efforts have not been totally in vain.
About me
Here is a short précis (a long time since I last
used that word so hope the spelling is OK)
My name is Tony Hare and I attended RGS 1951 to 1956.
I started at the RGS in 1951 after passing my 11 plus from Chalfont St
Peter C of E school. My first form was 2a in the old Uplyme huts. During
that first year we were taught Latin by the Headmaster, Mr Tucker (amo
amas amat, amamus amatis amant etc. Do they still teach Latin?)
Teachers I remember particularly are "Piljy" Jones, Maths master, (used
to drive a Morris Minor); "Holly" Hollingworth, English master (If you
can't pass an exam in your own language you'll never pass an exam in anything);
"Wally" Barnes, French master, (a good bloke, I could never understand
how anyone could be so oafish as to drain all the petrol out of his motorbike);
"Gag" Grant Art master, (forever sharpening our pencils for us); "Patsy"
Pattinson Chemistry master, (God, how I wished I had paid more attention
so I could have passed the Chemistry exam).
Boys I remember particularly are David Icke (sadly drowned in a boating
accident), John Holdbrook, Ian Tomes, Teddy Payne, Rob Palmer, Billy Knowles,
Chandrubeksa. What of the rest? Is Alzheimer the only other name I can
think of?
After leaving school in 1956 with 6 "O" levels I worked as a Research
Apprentice at EMI in Hayes for 7 years finding out what high power klystrons
were all about, then at Cossor Electronics in Harlow for 3 years developing
SSR (radar) components.
I then moved to Paignton in Devon to work with STC Electron Tube Division
for 23 years, initially working on the development of Klystrons and Travelling
Wave Tubes for TV transmitters, ending up as Section Head of TWT Power
Supply development.
About 1990, tiring of the delights of middle management, I
left STC to join my second wife in her occupation as owner
of a Gift Shop. I thus enjoyed the independence of being self
employed. My experience with computers enabled us to take
a small advantage from e-commerce on the web.
I have two daughters from my first marriage, two
stepsons from my second marriage, and a growing collection of stepgrandchildren.
I am now happily retired and my wife and I enjoy walking
the beautiful Devon coasts and moors and taking several holidays
each year. I enjoy taking photos and turning them into slide
Can anyone answer the following questions for me?
1) Is the pavilion my parents had to buy bricks for (sixpence each?) still
2 )Do they still sell Wagon Wheels in the Tuck Shop?
3) What happened to the crispy bacon we used to get before the war? and
What about the wood then? (old Goon Show gags)
Time to stop before senility gets a hold I think!! |
My Contemporaries
I ended my days at RGS in Form 5US with "Wally" Barnes as the
Form Master.
The entry from the Grey Book shows my contemporaries in 5US as follows:-
