RGS High Wycombe Old Boys' Pages
Tudor Olsen
(1948 - 1954)
Greetings to all from Tudor Olsen [1948 – 1954] in New Zealand .
I have lived in NZ for 53 years & a good friend of Ken Bowell.
My wife Janet & I live on the Canterbury Plains in Rolleston [pop. 5,000] – a small , modern country town 22 kms S.W. of Christchurch.
Christchurch [pop. 400,000] is N.Z’s second largest city.
We moved here 7 years ago after 46 years in Auckland.
We love the quiet pace of life here & we look out on to the Southern Alps.
We visit the UK every couple of years. My wife Janet came from High Wycombe & we came out together.
As you probably heard , we had a massive earthquake here on 4th Sept. 2010. It was the largest ground shake EQ ever recorded in NZ & we are only 2 km from the fault line.
I have written a very short account of our experience & wonder whether it would be of any interest to any of the “old boys “
Incidentally, we have had over 10,500 aftershocks in the Canterbury area since then & Christchurch was further decimated on the 22nd Feb. 2011 by another huge EQ.
We still get 5 or 6 shocks every day, but only feel the odd jolt & they are mostly small. |

1st Feb. 2010. Tudor Olsen being presented with the trophy by David Smail for winning the NZ Final of the BMW World Golf Cup at the Hills Golf Club, Queenstown [ the day after the NZ Golf Open ].
The prize was a BMW golf bag travel cover plus an all expenses paid trip to represent N.Z.at the World Final [ to be played over 4 rounds ] at the Fancourt Golf Resort [ the home of Ernie Els & Gary Player ], George, South Africa.
The prize included an African Safari & a half day coaching clinic with Gary Player.
P.S. Tudor was nearly 73 years old & came 16th out of 38 players from around the world.
The Hills is a privately owned course & was the venue for the NZ Open for 3 years.The course is 1,200 ft above sea level & set in the middle of the Southern Alps & surounded by the majestic high mountains. |