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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Player: Leonard Barden (born 20 August 1929) • page last edited Tuesday March 25, 2025 6:09 PM
465 games played 1945-2010 • Download PGN (including 67 stubs) • Download PGN (excluding stubs - total 382 complete & 17 part-games)

Leonard Barden Links

1) Wikipedia
2) Guardian Chess Column
3) Financial Times Column
4) Games at chessgames.com
5) Mini-Biography at Varsity match pages
6) 1954 British Chess Champion

Leonard Barden at Hastings 1957/58
Leonard Barden at the 1957/58 Hastings (colourised by John Saunders)

Leonard Barden's Playing Career

Date Event Score Rank
1944.05.13 Surrey v Middlesex, Leicester Sq, London draw White vs D M Morrah
1945.12 London U18 Ch'ship 4/5 1-2nd (1-1 play-off with JA Fuller)
1946.04 GBR-ch U18 2½/3 & 3/5 3rd (1st JA Fuller, 2nd GT Crown)
1946.12 London U18 Ch'ship 3½/5 3rd (1st O Penrose, 2nd AH Trott)
1947.04 GBR-ch U18 4½/5 & 3½/5 Tied with J Penrose
1947.04 GBR-ch U18 Play-Off 1½-2½ Lost to J Penrose
1948.08 Plymouth Premier Reserves B 6/7 1st
1948.08 GBR-ch Premier 3/11 12th
1948/49 Hastings Premier Reserves Major 5½/9 2nd
1949.04 Stevenson Mem, Southsea 5/10 10-17th
1949.08 British Championship, Felixstowe 6/11 12-13th
1949.10 Match v John A Fuller 1-3 =2, -0 (winner qualified for Hastings Prem)
1949/50 Hastings Premier Reserves Major 5/9 3-5th
1950.03 Varsity Match, Oxford-Cambridge   Bd 1 loss to Oliver Penrose
1950.04 Oxfordshire v Leinster, Dublin 2/2 vs Donal J O'Sullivan
& Patrick Alphonsus Duignan
1950.04 Stevenson Mem, Southsea 6/10 7-13th
1950.07 British Universities Championship 9/11 Same score as O Penrose: 2nd on S/B
1950.08 British Championship, Buxton 6½/11 5-8th
1950.12 GB v NED Universities Match 1/2 vs Donner
1950/51 Hastings Premier 3/9 8th
1951.03 Varsity Match, Oxford-Cambridge   Bd 1 drew with Oliver Penrose
1951.04 Stevenson Mem, Southsea 6½/10 7-9th
1951.05 Ilford Premier 1½/5 5th
1951.08 British Championship, Swansea 6½/11 5-8th
1951.09 GB v Yugoslavia 1/2 Bd 9 v B Ivkov
1951.09 Paignton Premier 3/7 4-5th
1951.10 Commonweath Ch, Oxford 2/5 4-5th
1951/52 Hastings Premier 4½/9 4-6th
1952.03 Varsity Match, Oxford-Cambridge   Bd 2 beat Denis V Mardle
1952.08 Helsinki Olympiad 4½/11 Bd 4
1952.09 Paignton Premier 5/7 1st
1952/53 Lucerne Xmas 4/7 4th
1953.03 Inter'l Students Team ch, Brussels 5/7 Best score on bd 2
1953.03 Varsity Match, Oxford-Cambridge   Bd 2 drew with Stefan Kruger
1953.05 British Lightning Champ., Ilford 13/18 after p/o with AY Green (Dr PM List 15½)
1953.07 CHESS Festival, Cheltenham 7½/12 5-7th
1953.08 British Championship, Hastings 7/11 4-6th
1954.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 7½/10 1-2nd (with O'Kelly)
1954.05 Dublin Masters 3/5 3-4th
1954.07 GB v USSR 0/2 Bd 7 v M Taimanov
1954.08 British Championship, Nottingham 8/11 1-2nd (with A Phillips)
1954.09 Amsterdam Olympiad 2/7 Bd 5
1954.10 Brit. Champ. Play-Off 5-5 Tied with A Phillips
1955.?? Match v Edward Lasker, Hastings 2½/4 Won
1955.?? Battle of Britain K.O. Won after play-off with JB Hawson & M Rogan
1955.08 CHESS Festival, Southend 7/11 7-9th
1955.08 British Championship, Aberystwyth 5½/11 15-23rd
1955/56 Hastings Premier Reserves Major 4½/9 5-6th
1956.04 Thames Valley Premier, Twickenham 1½/5 5th
1956.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 7/10 2-7th
1956.07 Match v A Hildebrand, Uppsala, Sweden 1½-2½ Lost
1956.08 British Championship, Blackpool 7/11 5th
1956.09 CHESS Festival, Whitby 9½/11 2nd (after PN Wallis 10½/11)
1957.04 Thames Valley Premier 3½/5 2nd (after MJ Franklin 4)
1957.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 6½/10 6-7th
1957.08 British Championship, Plymouth 7/11 5-6th
1957/58 Hastings Premier 5/9 4th
1958.04 Southend Premier 4/5 1st-2nd with PH Clarke  (3rd Penrose 3½)
1958.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 6/10 10-13th
1958.04 England v Scotland, London ½-½ Bd 4 ½ v M Fallone
1958.05 Ilford Premier 3/5 3-4th
1958.08 British Championship, Leamington 8½/11 1st= (with J Penrose)
1958.10 GB v NED 1/2 Bd 5 v T van Scheltinga
1958.11 British Championship Play-Off v Penrose 1½-3½ Lost
1958/59 Hastings Premier 1/9 10th
1959.08 British Championship, York 7/11 4-7th
1959.10 GB v NED 1/2 Bd 4 v N Cortlever
1959/60 Hastings Premier Reserves Major 5½/9 2nd
1960.04 Clare Benedict (Team Event, Biel) 3½-1½ Bd 4 for England
1960.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 6½/10 5-9th
1960.06 Ilford Premier 2/5 4-5th
1960.08 British Championship, Leicester 7/11 4-7th
1960.09 Paignton Premier 4/7 7-8th
1960.10 GB v NED ½/2 Bd 4 v N Cortlever
1960.10 Leipzig Olympiad 6/10 Bd 5
1960/61 Hastings Premier 4½/9 5-7th
1961.01 Leicestershire Centenary 3/5 3rd
1961.04 Stevenson Mem, Bognor Regis 7/11 5-10th
1961.08 British Championship, Aberystwyth 7/11 4-6th
1961.10 GB v NED 2/2 Bd v J Van der Pol
1961/62 Hastings Premier 3/9 9th
1962.09 Varna Olympiad 8/12 Bd 5
1963.11 GB v NED 1/2 Bd 6 v K Bergsma
1964.03 Southend Easter Premier 2½/5 5th
1964.05 BCF Selection Part 1 (Ilford) ½/4  
1964.08 BCF Selection Part 2 (Acton) 1½/4 5th
1969.04 Hammersmith Open 5½/7 2-6th
1969.08.01 Hereford Open 4½/5 1-3rd
1969.09 Glasgow Invitation 3/5 4-5th
1969.11 Islington Open 5/6 2-7th
1970.03 Hammersmith Open 5½/7 4-8th
1970.07 Manchester Open 5/6 2-5th
1970.08.28 Thames Valley Congress, Richmond 4½/6 3-9th
1970.09.04 Thanet Premier 4/5 4-7th
1970.09 Glasgow Invitational 4½/5 1st
1970.10 5th Spalding International 4½/6 6th=
1970.12 Islington Open 4/6 14th=
1971.04 Hammersmith Open 5½/7 4-8th
1971.06 Bayswater Open 4½/5 1-2nd (with L Blackstock)
1971.08/09 Thames Valley Open, London W6 4½/6 5-9th (1st Colin Burton 5½)
1971.09 Glasgow Invitational 3½/5 2nd
1972.10.20 2nd North Devon Open, Woolacombe 4/5  
1974.03.23 Coleraine Simul +36=9-5   (source: irlchess.com)
1988.08 Lloyds Bank Masters 0/1 'filler' v GM V Gavrikov

Probably still a few gaps in the above table. My thanks to Leonard Barden and Colin Patterson for help with this.

File Updated

Date Notes
8 May 2023 First upload of 439 games (366 excluding stub games)
8 May 2023 Added two games submitted by Brian Denman: (1) LB 0-1 A.E.Smith, Whitgift v BCCA, 19.03.1949; (2) LB ½-½ LJ Cannon, Horsham Simul, 09.03.1964. Many thanks to Brian.
8 May 2023 One game and two part-games added: (1) L.Barden 0-1 D.Hooper, Ilford (rd 1, 11.05.51); (2) L.Barden ½-½ B.Wood, Paignton (rd 7, 20.09.1952, opening moves); (3) L.Barden ½-½ V.Soultanbeieff, An Tostal Dublin (rd 1, 03.05.1954, part-game). Many thanks to Ulrich Tamm.
15 May 2023 Added the game L.Barden 1-0 G.Wheatcroft, Oxf'shire v Herts, 03.1954.
19 May 2023 Added 6½ games from the 1961 British Championship to complete Leonard Barden's set of 11 from this event. Many thanks to Eric Fisher for the booklet of games and Andy Ansel for inputting them.
26 May 2023 Some adjustments made and the file made live.
27 May 2023 Some more amendments and addition - 443 game entries, of which 67 are stubs. Tim Harding has very kindly supplied some of Leonard Barden's earliest correspondence games, and provided a primary source for another. Sean Coffey has provided further information about the Oxfordshire-Leinster match in 1950 which Leonard Barden took part in. Thanks to Time and Sean.
29 May 2023 Leonard Barden has very kindly proofread the games file, the result of which is as follows:
(1) Game played, BUCA, Cambridge 17.07.50 was in fact O.Penrose 1-0 Barden and not the other way around (apologies JS) - "It was round 1 (unseeded pairings brought together Nos 1 and 2) and I unsuccessfully chose the Albin Counter." (LWB, 2023);
(2) the game Barden 1-0 Edward Lasker, 1955: "Venue Hastings. Game 1 of 4. The match was arranged by Julius du Mont as Lasker wanted some practice against a decent opponent. I won 2.5-1.5,  having prepared against 2...Nd7 which Lasker had used successfully in a previous tournament (1951 Schlechter Memorial) in Vienna but which I thought was too slow that early. The remaining three games were drawn but Lasker was much better or winning in all of them." (LWB);
(3) Duplicate game Barden ½-½ Pratten Hastings Premier Reserves Major, 1955/56, removed;
(4) Barden 1-0 Broadbent, 1956: "London League. The game score is incomplete as it was adjourned at move 40 and I won in the second session due to my dark square control." (LWB);
(5) The part-game Barden-Penrose, London 1958, with no result given, was played in a London League match;
(6) The final five games of the 1964 BCF Olympiad Selection tournament were played at Eileen Tranmer's flat in Acton, London, from 31 July to 3 August.
Many thanks, Leonard. Running total of game entries now 442, with 375 appearing in the game viewer after 67 stubs have been left out).
5 June 2023 A further five games added, plus a further five stubs. The complete games are those from the 1970 Glasgow Invitational tournament, where Leonard Barden finished clear first with 4½/5, while the five stubs are from the same event in 1971 where he scored 4/5 to finish second.
30 September 2023 Now that (nearly) all the games from the 1956 British Championship are available, there are a further seven of Leonard Barden's games available (in addition to the games of rounds 3, 8, 9 and 11 which were already in the file). My thanks to Eric Fisher and Andy Ansel for the games.
15 December 2023 Added a stub of the game D.Horne 1-0 L.Barden, Hastings Premier Reserves Major 1948/49, rd 4, 03.01.1949.
4 February 2024 Now includes all 11 games from the 1960 British Championship in Leicester (which had previously comprised four games and two part-games). Many thanks to Eric Fisher and Andy Ansel. Running total: 458 game entries, including 64 stubs (which are not included in the viewer file).
11 March 2024 Added full opponent's forenames and some biographical info to A.Young 0-1 L.Barden, corr 1945 (currently the first game on the file).
21 March 2024 Added three more stubs: (1) J.A.E. Allum ½-½ LWB (West London v Croydon, 07.10.1944); (2) Dr. S.P. Schotz ½-½ LWB (Croydon v West London, 16.12.1944); (3) LWB 1-0 S.S. Deitch (West London v Croydon, 21.04.1945).
1 July 2024 Three more complete games from the 1951 Paignton Premier: (1) LWB 0-1 Golombek (rd 2); (2) A.R.B.Thomas ½-½ LWB (rd 3); (3) LWB ½-½ J.H.Donner (rd 6). Two of these had previously been part-games and one a stub.
25 September 2024 Added the game D.B.Pritchard 1-0 LWB, British Champ. Zonal Final 1951.
25 September 2024 Added the game R.Wade 1-0 LWB, Ilford Premier 1958 (rd 3). Running total: 464 game entries of which 66 are stubs and 18 are part-games (two part-game entries are actually one game in two parts (O.Penrose ½-½ LWB, 1947 British U18 Ch). Hence 463 game entries in reality, with 380 complete games and 17 part-games.
9 October 2024 Added two county match games in which Leonard Barden (Oxfordshire) defeated Victor Russ (Leicestershire). One was on 3 March 1951 and the other on 7 March 1952. From Victor Russ's collection of scorebooks, kindly lent to me by Steve Russ, for which many thanks.
25 March 2025 Added a stub game: LWB ½-½ D M Morrah, Surrey v Middlesex, 13 May 1944 (board 17). "There is never any guarantee that the most exciting play lies latent in the rarified atmosphere surrounding the upper boards of a match. In the Surrey-Middlesex set-to, for instance, the real story concerned, not the Middlesex debacle (7-13), but the game at board 17. Here, D. M. Morrah of The Times and Oxford University, had to fight for the draw against a last-minute substitute, L. W. Barden, a 13-years'-old Croydon schoolboy." (CHESS, September 1944, Vol.9/108, p189, writer E B Chapman - n.b. Leonard Barden was actually 14 at the time - JS)