Royal Grammar School, High Wycombe - Honours Board, 1907-75
University Awards as listed on the Honours Boards in the Queen's Hall
* = State Scholarship (in addition to Open award - abolished after 1962)
n.b. some amendments taken from the school history. Wyc = Wycombiensian (School Magazine)
Last Edited:
Friday June 28, 2024 1:47 AM
Year | Name | Award | Subject | University and College | Born | Died |
1907 | Watson, Douglas John | Open Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Clare College. RGS 1903-09. Captained school football and cricket XIs. Won Ewelme Exhibition, 1907, then Open Scholarship. Double 1st in Maths, Wrangler in 1912. Educ. Beaconsfield National School. Served in WW1 (2nd Lt., Royal Engineers). Became an actuary, retired 1952. Died 21 March 1964, at bus station on Frogmore, HW, after attending Old Boys' Dinner. Born and lived all his life (except time at Cambridge) in same house in Seer Green. "He loved the Bucks countryside, enjoyed walking - and never took a holiday." (Obit, May 1964 Wyc, p600) | 1890 | 1964 |
1914 | Deane, William | Free Studentship | Mathematics/Science | London, Imperial College. (Not on honours board, but mentioned in school history: "... free studentship as well as other awards" (p68)). Died 20 Mar 1920, flying over NW Frontier. Buried Delhi. Commemorated Delhi Memorial (India Gate) India. On school website: "RGS 1907-14. He was a prefect, served in the OTC and was awarded a free scholarship to Imperial College of Science after having come second in the county in the Major Scholarship Examinations. Once at Imperial he impressed his old masters and received a mention due to him obtaining a 1st Class in Chemistry in his Part I exams, coming fifth out of ninety students. He soon joined up and was commissioned as a Second Lieutentant into the 9th Battalion, Ox & Bucks Light Infantry before being attached to the 2/4th Norfolks. He soon volunteered for the expanding Royal Flying Corps becoming a pilot and serving on the Western front where he was wounded flying on the 23rd March 1918. During this action he was awarded the Military Cross. After WWI, Deane gained a permanent commission as a Captain in the new RAF. He was sent out to India to fight in the Third Afghan War on the Indian North-West Frontier. During a bombing raid his plane suddenly spun into the ground, killing him and his observer, a man named Gordon. It was reported he was under heavy small arms fire at the time from Afghani tribesmen so it is likely he was hit in the head and killed instantly." |
1896 | 1920 |
1918 | Matthews, Horace Arthur | Open Scholarship | Arts | London, University College. PhD (in Geology?). RGS 1913-18. Acc. the school history (p68), "later became a lecturer in geography at the University." Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1933. Inns of Court OTC, Berkhamsted, 1918. Flt.Lt. RAF Volunteer Reserve (Meteorological Branch), WW2. Involved in weather forecasting for the RAF Dambuster operation. Born HW, died 2 March 1943 on war service, buried Wycombe Cemetery. His son, David Morling Matthews (1926-90), also attended the RGS and appears further down the Honours Board. Another son, Malcolm S Matthews (1944-51), contributed an interesting article to the 1999 Old Boys Newsletter. | 1899 | 1943 |
1918 | Barrell, Henry | Free Studentship | Mathematics/Science | (Not on honours board, but mentioned in school history.) London, Imperial College. OW 1913-18. Head of school, sergt-maj OTC, played 1st XI cricket and football. Read physics, specialised in spectroscopy. DSc, ARCS, DIC, FInstP. National Physical Laboratory, 1923-39. Superintendent, metrology division, NPL, from 1953. As at 1957, the UK representative on the International Committee of Weights & measures. Some biog info here. His family living in Chalfont St Peter in 1911 (his father a head gardener). Born in Chester, died in Hounslow. Awarded C.B.E. in 1962. Son J Barrell (OW 1944-48) worked as an officer on luxury cruise liners. | 1900 | 1972 |
1919 | Seymour, Thomas Kenneth | Open Scholarship | Arts | London, University College. Born in Fingest, died in Wycombe. | 1901 | 1967 |
1921 | Winter, Dennis Arthur | Kitchener Scholarship | Science(?) | (Not on honours board, but mentioned in school history.) TS Eliot was his formmaster while he was at the school (1914-22). Head boy 1922. Kitchener memorial Scholarship, London, Imperial College, 1922. PhD, ARCS, DIC, MInstGasE. Technical Staff Officer, Research Laboratories, Radiation Ltd, Aston, Birmingham - with them for 38 years, 1930-68. (Apr 58 Wyc, Sep 62 Wyc, Sep 68 Wyc, Dec 76 Wyc). Photo in History of Imperial College, London 1907-2007, showing group of Zoroastrians in 1927, page 196. Born in Birmingham, the son of an RSPCC inspector, died in Brighton. | 1903 | 1984 |
1924 | Cutler, Percy James | Open Scholarship | Science | Reading, University College. Subsequently took a degree in Medicine at University College Hospital and became a GP in Northampton. Retired 1968 to Bognor Regis. Gave a cup awarded at speech day for social service. (May 69 Wyc) | 1906 | 1981 |
1929 | Scott, Kenneth Thomas B | Wantage Scholarship | Science | Reading, University College | 1911 | 1990 |
1932 | Lane, Thomas(?) B | Open Scholarship | Science | Reading University | 1913/14 | 2001? |
1933 | Cradwick, Cecil Charles | Open Scholarship | Science | Reading University. OW 1927-33. "Completed his course in Science at Reading [in 1936] with two degrees, B.Sc. (General), B.Sc. (Special). He obtained First Class Honours in each." (Oct 1936 Wyc) "Scientific officer at the Air Ministry depot at Farnborough. After securing a special degree with first class honours in Physics in his third year at Reading University, he did periods of research at Leamington and Enfield." (Sep 1939 Wyc) Brother Leslie William Cradwick (OW 1927-32, b 1913, d 1998). | 1915 | 1991 |
1935 | Essex, Francis (Frank) William | Open Scholarship | Arts | Reading University. 1st in English. School received a half-holiday when new of his scholarship to Reading came through (mentioned by Dennis Jones RGS 1933-39 in his interview by Andrew MacTavish in the May 2008 Newsletter). Head boy and captain of school football XI. Colonial service (from 1939) in Sierra Leone, British Guiana and Rhodesia. Received CMG in the Colonial Honours List (Oct 59 Wyc). Member of the Peace Commission in Rhodesia, 1972 (Spring 72 Wyc, Sep 39 Wyc) Married Miss M M J Lewis, 1947, Freetown, Sierra Leone. (Sep 48 Wyc) | 1916 | 1995 |
1936 | Goulborn, Sydney Aubrey | Open Scholarship | Classics | County Major Scholarship and Open Major Scholarship, Reading University. "2nd in Classics for his B.A. Honours Degree at Reading University and is now taking a Diploma in Education." (Sep 39 Wyc). Taught English and Classics briefly at the RGS in 1949. (Sep 49 Wyc) Local councillor (Labour/Independent), 1950s & 1960s. Mayor of HW 1968, Senior master, head of History at Beaconsfield Secondary Modern School (1963). JP. School governor, RGS, Wycombe HS, John Hampden S. Wife Peggy taught at school, 1944-46 and son Sydney Charles Robert (Bob) Goulborn was an OW (1957-64). (Sep 63, May 1965 and Jun 75 Wyc) | 1917 | 1988 |
1936 | Turner, Donald Sidney | Bursary | Natural Sciences | RGS 1929-36. County Major Scholarship and Bursary, London University - did not take up bursary, went as a commoner to Jesus College, Oxford. Trial for Association Football blue team, Oxford. "1st class in the Final Honours School of Geography of Oxford University. He has now taken up an appointment in the Colonial Branch of the Civil Service and has gone to Africa." (Sep 39 Wyc) Born in Wycombe, died in Manchester. His Ghanaian wife, Gladys Adzo Turner, survived him and died aged 90 in 2007. | 1918 | 1983 |
1936 | Skipp, (Arthur) John | Open Exhibition | English and Latin | Cambridge, Emmanuel College. Matric. 1937, BA 1941, MA 1944. Taught at school 1954-80s. Mayor of HW, 1970/71. | 1918 | 1987 |
1936 | Hoffman, Stanley Harold | [commoner's place] | Not on Honours Board | Oxford, St Edmund Hall, BA 1939, MA 1943; Lincoln Theological College, 1940-41. (Not on RGS honours board as he didn't win a scholarship/exhibition, but mentioned in Oct 1936 Wyc and believed to be one of the first boys to win an Oxbridge place in many years). RGS 1928-36, head boy (school captain) 1936. Higher School Certificates [A-Levels] in History, English, Latin (subsidiary), French (subsidiary), 1936. "3rd class in the Final Honours School of Theology of Oxford University." (Sep 39 Wyc). Took holy orders, Hon. Canon of Rochester Cathedral, 1965–80, then Emeritus; Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen, 1976–87. 1995 autobiography Morning Shows the Day: the Making of a Priest. See July 2005 OW newsletter. Hon. MA, University of Kent, 1982, at the same time as former RGS master Nicholas Polmear. (Further details of church career may be found in Who's Who; May 77 Wyc) | 1917 | 2008 |
1937 | Dickinson, Edward John | Open Exhibition | Chemistry | Oxford, Jesus College. BSc and MA degrees from Oxford in 1941, joined Road Research Laboratory. Emigrated to South Africa in 1951 where he continued to work on the science of tars and bitumens for surfacing roads. Returned to UK to work for British Tar Association for three years before returning to South Africa where he became Head of the Bituminous Division of the National Institute for Road Research and was awarded his PhD at Capetown University. Spent the rest of his career in Australia where he was "generally recognised as being the top binder researcher in the world at the time". Known as 'Ted' or 'Dickey'. (Biographical Information sourced from here) | 1919 | 2004 |
1937 | Ripley, Eric Lewis | Rectorial Scholarship | Science | London, Imperial College. RGS 1930-37. "2nd class honours in Physics for his B.Sc. Degree of London University. He is now engaged in aeronautical research." (Sep 39 Wyc). ARCS. Post-grad work in aeronautics. Deputy Chief Scientific Officer at Royal Aircraft Establishment (responsible for structural aspects of 'Concorde') (May 70 Wyc) OBE (1955) for his part in researching the 1954 de Havilland Comet crash when he was head of RAE's Accident Investigation Section. Married S Gould, 1946, Penarth, Glamorgan. | 1919 | 2010 |
1938 | Wickens, Frederick Charles | Open Scholarship | English and French | Cambridge, Jesus College. RGS 1931-38. Married Una Roma Roy (a doctor and surgeon), 1945, in Bangalore. Senior English Master at St. Olave’s GS, Southwark (Apr 51 Wyc). Teaching at Solihull School, until 1949. Living in Sutton Coldfield in 1955. Pupils' recollections of him (internet, passim) suggest he liked jazz and was anti-public school in attitude. Dec 2007 OW Newsletter. Brother Donald Wickens also at RGS. (See below.) | 1920 | 2007 |
1938 | Gundry, Richard Mark J | Open Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. "there was only one open Scholarship, that of Richard Gundry, at Jesus College, Cambridge, for Modern Languages. I must tell you that, having been earlier at a famous Public school, he came to us especially to work for an open Scholarship, and gained one at his first attempt." (from headmaster's speech, Speech Day 1939, quoted in Sep 1939 Wyc) | 1921 | 2000 |
1938 | Oakeshott, Keith Robertson | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Corpus Christi College. RGS 1930-38. Diplomat. RAF, Canada, during WW2, before joining the Foreign Office. Two years, Moscow, early 1960s, previously Rangoon and Cuba. Consul-General, Hamburg, 1962-67. Assistant Under-Secretary, FO: director of Communications, 1971-74. Awarded CMG, 1967. Father of Matthew Oakeshott, LibDem peer and politician. Brother of another OW, Wing-Commander Alan Robertson Oakeshott, DFC (1916-42), who was killed during WW2 (ref. in July 2006 OW newsletter) and whose name appears on the school's roll of honour. Death notice in the June 1975 Wyc. | 1920 | 1974 |
1938 | Plumridge, Arthur Benjamin | Minor Scholarship | English and Latin | Reading University | 1919 | 2000 |
1939 | Lovell, Eric James | Open Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Served in RAF during WW2, "missing presumed killed". Fl/Sergt., RAF Volunteer Reserve, 218 Squadron. Runnymede Memorial. "I must mention in passing the outstanding performance of E. Lovell. He was entered for the Higher Certificate in Classics after only a year’s work in the Sixth, a thing never done before, and not only did he obtain a very good Certificate, but he was fifth in the whole County and was given a County Major Scholarship." (from headmaster's speech, Speech Day 1939, quoted in Sep 1939 Wyc) Taught at the RGS for a few months before being called up to the RAF. "He had done practically a complete tour of duty with Bomber Command as a Flight Sergeant Pilot and had just been recommended for a commission when he was announced as missing after one of the mass raids on Berlin. No further news was received of him until the Red Cross reports resulted in his being announced as missing, believed killed." (Jun 45 Wyc) | 1921 | 1943 |
1940 | Thorne, Peter | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. BA, Cantab. RGS 1933-40. Served in RAF during WW2, "missing presumed killed" during a raid on Dortmund on 21 Feb 1945 (his second mission), about a month after his daughter, Christina M Thorne, was born in Jan 1945. Pilot Officer, RAF Volunteer Reserve, 153 Squadron, bur. Reichswald Forest War Cemetery. "We congratulate P. Thorne on his very successful year. In addition to being Senior Prefect he was voted the Molloy Cup and on Speech Day carried off many of the special prizes and other awards. Out of School he was Senior N.C.O. in the O.T.C., Captain of both Rugby and Cricket, Vice-Captain of Association Football and Sports Champion. He has at least one more year at School." (Sep 1939 Wyc). Married to Agnes Maria (née) Whatmoor, who presented the annual Thorne Prize for English at the school. More biographical material, June 1975 Wyc (page 33). | 1922 | 1945 |
1940? | Lear, Richard Arthur | County Major Scholarship | Oxford, Jesus College. [Not on honours board.] Lieutenant, Oxford & Bucks Light Infantry. Bur. Calvados, Normandy, France. "R. A. Lear, after obtaining a County Major Scholarship, went to Jesus College, Oxford, and having served in the S.T.C. for 2½ years eventually went just before completing his course to an O.C.T.U. before being commissioned. He helped the staff on two occasions during his Oxford vacations and his death in action in Normandy was a further blow to us all." (Jun 45 Wyc) | 1922 | 1944 | |
1941 | Moore, (Andrew) David | Tancred Studentship | Physics (for Medicine) | Cambridge, Caius College. RAF doctor (Group Captain), Ceylon (1951), Halton, then San Antonio, Texas. Note in May 1965 Wyc. Son boarded at RGS. After retirement, became a pathologist in the Isle of Man. | 1924 | 1980 |
1942 | Crutchfield, David William Henry | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. RGS 1935-42. As the first pupil of the Tucker era to have won a Balliol classics scholarship, was asked to propose the toast at the Quater-Centenary dinner in 1962. Joined army, became Major. Returned to Oxford to complete his degree. 1949-55, colonial officer, Nigeria. 1955-71, worked for ICI. Then postgraduate course at Durham University, followed by teaching classics, variously at Northallerton Upper School and Sir Wm Turner's GS, Redcar (May 74 Wyc etc). | 1924 | 1996 |
1942 | Miller, Eric John | Open Exhibition | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. RGS 1938-41. Commissioned in 1943, served in Burma. Awarded Kitchener Scholarship by his college (Jun 45 Wyc). First in Anthropology (Apr 48 Wyc). In India engaged on anthropological research, 1949 (Feb 1949 Wyc). Joined Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, 1958. Eminent anthropologist, Guardian obituary - see link, left. Telegraph obituary. | 1924 | 2002 |
1942 | Witney, Donald Roy | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. RGS captain of cricket, 1942. RGS 1934-42. Joined ADC and Marlowe Society at Cambridge (drama). Became headmaster of King Edward VI School, Louth, 1958. (Apr 58, May 65 Wyc) | 1923 | 1987 |
1942 | Willmott, Leslie George | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. After degree, read for DipEd (Jun 46 Wyc). | 1924 | |
1942 | Brotmacher, Leon | Entrance Scholarship | Medicine | London, St Mary's Hospital (University College Hospital, acc. school history). 1948, MO, Somalia. Cardiac dept, Cardiff Infirmary (mid 1950s). Senior Medical Registrar, Royal United Hospital, Bath, 1957. Emigrated to USA/Canada, 1958. | 1925 | |
1942 | Shaw, Cedric Whiteley (William) | Entrance Scholarship | Medicine | London, University College Hospital (King's College Hospital, acc. school history) Army Emergency Reserve of Officers: Capt. Cedric Whiteley Shaw, L.M.S.S.A [Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries] (286767), to be Capt., 15 Apr 1955; Army Cadet Force - Shropshire - Capt. Cedric Whiteley, to be Lt., 3 Jan 1958. Elected as an Independent candidate to Wrekin division, Shropshire County Council, 1955. [National Archives lists Cedric William Shaw as coming from Burma and naturalised British in 1956, but this may not be him] | 1923 | 1997 |
1942 | Saw, Douglas Reginald B | State Bursary | Science | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Mentioned in June 1942 speech day, reported Jun 45 Wyc. Not on honours board. | 1923 | 1990 |
1942 | Yeomans, Martin Hugh | State Bursary | Science | Cambridge, Jesus College, from 1946. Mentioned in June 1942 speech day, reported Jun 45 Wyc. Not on honours board. Studied Theology at Cambridge (Apr 48 Wyc) then went to do missionary work in China before being expelled by the new government, 1950. Methodist Minister in Cornwall, early 1950s, then 1954-58, Hampton Methodist Church. Other pastoral appointments subsequently. Acting director, Clinical Theology Association, 1980s; editor/author of books relating to Methodism. | 1922 | 1993 |
1943 | Leeser, Hans Alfred Bernhard (John) | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Jesus College, where he got a 1st and refereed rugby. RGS 1939-43. Taught briefly at the school during WW2. (Jun 45 Wyc) Lieutenant in RA, British Army, SE Asia, 1945-46. Born in Minden in Germany, both his parents died in concentration camps during WW2; he and his younger brother both came to the UK in 1939. Naturalised as British, October 1947. Changed his name to John Leeser. Married first Jean Pemberton, 1951, Honiton, and secondly Margaret Ann (Meg), 1977, Australia. Management adviser on IT, Unilever, London (Sep 64 Wyc). His career took him to South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South America and Africa, finally returning to the UK with his wife Meg to retire. Biographical details from this old school in Minden, Germany (in German). His brother, Albert M E Leeser (RGS 1939-47), also attended the school; he worked at Ford's Blotting Paper (Loudwater) during the 1950s (Sept 55 Wyc). Albert's sons Bernard P Leeser (born 1956) and David John Leeser (1962-2023) later attended the school. | 1925 | 1998 |
1943 | Wickens, Donald Jack | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. Head prefect, 1942. Taught briefly at the school during WW2. (Jun 45 Wyc) Assistant solicitor, Uxbridge Borough Council; deputy clerk, East Barnet Council, 1958. (OW Newsletter, Dec 07) Brother Frederick Wickens, see above (1938). | 1925 | 2017 |
1943 | Kingsbury, Kenneth J | Entrance Scholarship | Medicine | London, St Mary's Hospital. Articles written, 1960s and 1970s (St Mary's Hospital, London) | 1925 | 1999 |
1944 | Scally, Patrick John | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College, where he got a 1st. After National Service joined Courtaulds, rejoined them in the 1960s (Sep 68 Wyc). Still with Courtalds, moved to Milan (Jul 76 Wyc) | 1927 | |
1944 | Wintsch, Dennis Henry | State Scholarship | Science | Cambridge, Jesus College. Read Mechanical Sciences and got a 1st. | 1926 | 2001 |
1944 | Fredericks, Roy John | Open Exhibition | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. In 1957 was a solicitor. Attended 2001 Annual OW Dinner. | 1926 | |
1944 | Matthews, David Morling | Entrance Scholarship | Medicine | London, University College Hospital (Gold Medallist). MB BS Lond (1949), PhD Sheff (1956), MD Lond (1964), FRCPath (1964), MRCP (1969), DSc Lond (1979), FRCP (1983). Pathologist. Won Fellowes gold medal in medicine in 1947. His father, Horace Arthur Matthews (1899-1943) also appears on the School Honours Board (see above, 1918). | 1926 | 1990 |
1944 | Roith, Oscar | Open Exhibition | Mathematics and Physics | Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College. Senior prefect, 1944. Read Mechanical Sciences and got a first. Capt of cricket at Caius. Post-grad apprenticeship, Courtaulds, 1948. Distillers Co. Ltd, 1952, transferring to BP when taken over. President, IME, 1987. | 1927 | |
1945 | Heather, Frank James | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. MA. RGS 1937-45. RAF service, 1948-50. Rowed for his college at Henley. Worked as a journalist. Wrote letter on life at Cambridge for Apr 48 Wyc. Obituary, 2003 Wycombiensian. | 1927 | 2001 |
1946 | Bland, James A | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. (Matric. 1948, read Natural Sciences/Physics.) Still at Cambridge, 1954 (Apr 55 Wyc). Crystallography at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, mid-1950s, then moved to Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Ottawa, Canada, and then ICI, Plastics Division, Welwyn Garden City. "Due back from Canada in April 1959" (May 59 Wyc). OW 1939-46. Lives (2018) in Remenham, near Henley-on-Thames. | 1928 | |
1946 | Fletcher, Cyril T | Open Exhibition | Classics | Oxford, Christ Church. Married Miss Dorothy M Inman, 1951. Senior accountant, Worthing Borough Treasurer's Dept (1950s), Principal Secretary, Coventry (from 1959: (Oct 59 Wyc). County Treasurer, Cheshire, 1974 (Jul 76 Wyc). Instituted a prize for Greek prose at the RGS. | 1928 | |
1947 | Langston, Sidney J | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Nottingham, University College. (n.b. the honours board at the school says 'University College, London' which may be true of the degree conferred before Nottingham became a full university in its own right). RGS 1941-47. Apr 48 Wyc has a letter from Nottingham signed by 'S.J.L.' Did fencing in Nottingham. | 1929 | |
1947 | Byrne, Donn Patrick | State Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. Born in Wycombe, died in Callander, Stirling, Scotland. Aircraftman, 2nd class, commission, RAF, 1953. Author of English teaching text books for schools (Longmans) - see photo on Tony Hare's website | 1929 | 2011 |
1947 | Ray, Ronald Frederick | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. RGS 1941-48. Matric 1950, BA 1953, MA 1957, PGCE 1958. 30 years teaching, eventually becoming head of Modern Languages, at Haverfordwest GS (Dec 77 Wyc; Jesus College records). Wrote to the OW's Hon.Sec. (Mervyn M Davies) in Welsh (Jun 78 Wyc) | 1930 | 2010 |
1947 | Oxley (snr), Alan John | Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke. Not on honours board. OW 1942-47. Reported by JA Bland as having a scholarship at Pembroke (Mar 52 Wyc) . (n.b. confusingly, there is another OW, RGS 1954-62, with the identical name, Alan John Oxley, who was born in 1943; AJ Oxley jnr was a boarder and attended the 2011 Uplyme reunion. Worked for Southern Electricity. Also a LibDem local councillor, South Buckinghamshire) | 1931 | |
1948 | Carter, Pierre James A | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Reading University | 1931 | 1999 |
1948 | Putnam, William George | State Scholarship | Classics | London, University College. National Service, RAF. Latin master at Newtown High School, Montgomeryshire; directed archaeological digging, Mid-Wales (May 61 Wyc). Obituary in the Dorset Echo, 2008. Principal lecturer in archaeology, Weymouth College of Education, later Bournemouth University, 1967-1995. Studied under Sir Mortimer Wheeler. Expert on the Roman aqueduct at Dorchester, and the 51-room Roman villa at Dewlish. Chairman of Wessex Archaeology, 1977-99. Awarded an honorary degree of doctor of science by Bournemouth University, 2004. Wrote several books, including Roman Dorset, The Romans and The Prehistoric Age. Obituary in The Independent. See photo on Tony Hare's website | 1930 | 2008 |
1948 | Peatey, Bernard Colin | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. Min of Ed, 1956-58+. Head of Special Schools Section, DES, 1986. Bucks county councillor for 8 years, a founder of the High Wycombe Society. Son John also an OW. Photo on Tony Hare's website | 1931 | 1997 |
1948 | Butler, Michael David | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Jesus College. MA, English Literature, 1953. Poet. Mem. of Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, 1955-69; Ordained Priest, 1963; Worker Priest, Layman, 1966-73; Part-time Teacher of English Literature, The City Lit, London, 1973-76; Part-time TEFL Teacher, then Adult Literacy, Holloway AEI, 1974-79; mem. Poetry Society. Publications: Street and Sky, 1980. Contributions: Orbis; Iron; Stride; Voices; South; Doors. Lives in Maiden Newton, Dorchester. - see photo on Tony Hare's website | 1931 | |
1948 | Smith, Peter A | Open Exhibition* | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College (did not take up his exhibition after completing national service) - see photo on Tony Hare's website | 1931 | 2018 |
1948 | Lang, Richard | Open Scholarship | Chemistry | Oxford, Jesus College. OW 1942-48. In 1954, Richard Lang was at one of the Cardinal Colleges at Rome. The same year his elder brother Flight Lieutenant Andrew Lang, 604 Squadron RAF (b 1928, OW 1938-44) was killed in a mid-air collision between two Meteor jet fighters. Andrew was captain of cricket XI in 1944, and attended a short course at Jesus College, Oxford. Ordained into the Catholic church: returned to the school to take a Catholic commemoration service in High Wycombe on Speech Day in 1961. | 1932 | |
1948 | Fletcher, Brian J | Open Exhibition | History | Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College, read History. Inland Revenue (from 1953 and as at 1967). "National Service, RAF (1949-1950), University (1950-1953) Banbury (1953-1957), Romford (1957-1966), Amersham (1966-1999) and Hazlemere (from 1999), from where I can walk (just!) to the school again." (BJF) | 1930 | |
1948 | Easton, Michael J | Open Scholarship | Engineering (Maths/Physics?) | London, Queen Mary College. OW 1943-46. Degree in Engineering. Worked at Aluminium Company of Canada, Arvida, Quebec (Apr 54 Wyc) | 1931 | |
1948 | Harris, Neville W | Open Exhibition | Physics | London, Queen Mary College. Living (2015) in Acton, Massachusetts. | 1931 | |
1948 | Wilks, David J | Open Scholarship | Music | Durham University. 1st, BMus, FRCO. Lecturer, music, Durham Univ, 1964-70, repetiteur, conductor Sadler's Wells, 1970- (May 70 Wyc) | 1931 | |
1949 | Ware, John James B | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Worked for British Transport until affected by a crippling illness. (May 61 Wyc, Sep 68 Wyc, May 73 Wyc, Jul 76 Wyc) | 1931 | 1973 |
1949 | Kenyon, Kenneth | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Liverpool University | 1930 | 1991 |
1949 | Stansbury, Donald Roy Webster | Open Exhibition* | English | Cambridge, King's College. Read English & History. Teacher and author ('The Lady who Fought the Vikings'). | 1931 | 2009 |
1950 | McIntosh, Andrew Robert | Open Scholarship | History | Oxford, Jesus College. Became Baron McIntosh of Haringey, Labour politician. | 1933 | 2010 |
1950 | Standing, John | Open Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Trinity Hall. Obituary at Trinity Hall website. | 1932 | 2012 |
1950 | Barr, Anthony | Open Scholarship | History | Bristol University. | 1931 | |
1950 | Filby, Noel E | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Oxford, Jesus College. Living (2015) in Norwich. | 1931 | |
1950 | Winter, D(avid?) F T | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1932 | 1999? |
1950 | Zander, Michael | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. Triple 1st in Law. Professor of Law, London School of Economics, 1977-1998. | 1932 | |
1950 | Jones, M(aurice?) M | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1933 | |
1951 | Kirby, David Donald | Open Foundation S'ship | Modern Languages | Oxford, Jesus College. Worked for British Railways (Southern Region), based at Dover (May 61 Wyc) Divisional port and shipping manager, Dover, 1964. General manager, Sealink UK, 1974. Director, Network Southeast and general manager of the Southern region, 1982. Joint railway managing director, British Railways board, 1985. Vice chairman and chief executive of railways, 1987-90. Awarded CBE (1988 New Year's Honours). (Jan 79 Wyc, The Times obit, 15 July 2008) Another OW, Clifford Allan Rose (1929-1983, RGS 1940-44) was a member of the British Railways Board in the early 1980s and its industrial relations director. | 1933 | 2008 |
1951 | Mole, Adrian L | State Scholarship | History | London, University College. | 1933 | |
1951 | Goodchild, Colin J | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. 1st in Maths Tripos Part 2 in only two years. Taught in schools, Ivory Coast, Regent Street Polytechnic [University of Westminster]. (OW Newsletter, Dec 07). Brother Fred Goodchild, OW 1942, settled in Australia, died c. 2000? | 1934 | 2007 |
1951 | Walker, Malcolm Graham | Open Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. Russian translator, after degree in Mod.Lang., obtained a 1st in Botany and Zoology. In 1969 working for a MSc in Entomology (May 1965 Wyc, May 69 Wyc). Received MSc from Birkbeck (May 1971 Wyc) | 1935 | |
1951 | Westney, (Kenneth John) Paul | Open Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Flying Officer, RAF, 1957 (short service). Linguistics expert & author. Also, banking, followed by a teaching diploma, then classics master at Westminster Abbey School (1962) and Northampton GS (1964) (May 62 Wyc); later taught in Germany (May 74 Wyc). Brother Michael Edward William Westney (1929-2017, RGS 1940-47) worked with Inland Revenue, later studied theology and became a vicar in Norfolk. | 1934 | |
1952 | Crowther, Michael A | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Went into insurance, in various locations around world, inc. Afghanistan. Brother of Derek N Crowther (see 1955 entry and May 1965 Wyc) and Peter P Crowther (RGS 1947-53). "Active both as Chairman of the Lytham choir and with the RNIB" (Old Boys' notes, 2003 Wycombiensian) | 1934 | |
1952 | White, D J | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Downing College | 1934 | |
1952 | Knock, Barry A | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Imperial College | 1934 | |
1952 | James, Keith | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. Degree in Mod Lang, worked for Cooper, McDougall and Robertson, then to Colombia as Sales Manager from 1963. (Sep 63 Wyc & OW Newsletter, May 06) | 1934 | 1995 |
1952 | Hall, Peter C S | State Scholarship | Geography | Cambridge, Jesus College. (Email address on OB Database.) | 1934 | |
1952 | Hester, David Albert | Open Exhibition | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Professor of Classics, Lincoln College, Adelaide, Australia for 46 years. The University of Adelaide makes an annual award to their top third year honours classics undergraduate in his honour. Link to an obituary (newsletter PDF) | 1934 | 2013 |
1952 | Kirwan, Paul | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. (OW Newsletter, May 06) After university and National Service he became a librarian and later chief librarian to the Treasury. Ray White (RGS 1940-45) married Kirwan's sister and Kirwan was uncle to twins Crispin and Daniel White (RGS 1968-75). (OW Newsletter, July 2009). | 1933 | 2009 |
1952 | Hall, Eric | Choral Exhibition | Oxford, Exeter College. School nickname "Nobby", in Uplyme boarding house. Fl/Lt, CO of RAF Riyan, Aden, 1964. In 1967, pilot for Trans World Airlines (USA). (Sep 54 Wyc, Sep 58 Wyc, May 1964 Wyc, May 67 Wyc). Lives Camano Island, Washington State, USA. | 1934 | ||
1953 | Hussein, Ali Faisal | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Balliol College. From Ceylon [Sri Lanka]. Read Medicine, qualified as doctor. Worked at WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. Obit, Jan 2007 OW newsletter. | 1934 | 2006 |
1953 | James, Peter W | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. 1st in maths, 1956. In 1957 awarded the Keller Prize by the university for outstanding work. | 1936 | |
1953 | Windsor, Philip | Open Postmastership* | History | Oxford, Merton College. Degree in History, BPhil in European History. Graduate scholarship, Free University, Berlin. Broadcast on Germany on Home Service (May 1964 Wyc). Reader in International Relations, LSE, author of Czechoslovakia 1968 with co-author Adam Roberts (amongst other titles). (May 69 Wyc). Obituary in the Guardian, 24 June 2000. | 1935 | 2000 |
1953 | Sinnatt, Brian | State Scholarship | History | Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College. Worked for Shell (from 1959) in Guyana, Uganda, Tanganyika and Ethiopia (Sep 62 Wyc, May 69 Wyc). "After reading History at Cambridge and two years National Service in the army, I spent the next 32 years working with the Shell Group of Companies around the world. I lived in Uganda, Tanzania, Guyana, Ethiopia, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and The Netherlands... retired." (OB Database; Jul 76 Wyc) | 1935 | |
1954 | Sherlock, Geoffrey | Open Scholarship | Geography | Leeds University. Research in glacial land-form, McGill University, Montreal, Canada. Taught at Rotherham GS (4 years), then from 1963 Produced Programmer Assistant, School Broadcasting (Sound) for Geography. (Sep 63 Wyc) Leeds University (Geography Hons), McGill Subarctic Research Lab. Schefferville, P Quebec. Leeds U. PGCE, teaching 1959-63, BBC Schools Radio Producer/Editor, presenter 1963-1991, FRGS 1975-present, RGS [Royal Geographical Society] Award for services to education 1985, member of Council of Geography Association 1980-1989, Treasurer of Council of British Geography 1985-1988. | 1936 | |
1954 | Barwell, Richard D | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Leeds University | 1935 | |
1954 | Booth, William Albert | State Scholarship | History | Oxford, Balliol College | 1936 | 2004 |
1954 | Griffiths, David J | Meyricke Exhibition* | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Jesus College | 1936 | |
1954 | Handscombe, Richard James | State Scholarship | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. Pilot Officer, RAF. 1950s/1960s English School, Istanbul, 3 years, associate organiser, Nuffield Foreign Language project; From 1968, Professor of English at Glendon College, York University, Canada. Links: 1, 2, 3. | 1935 | 2005 |
1954 | Jones, (Geraint Dyfed) Barri | Welsh F'ndation S'ship* | Classics | Oxford, Jesus College. Son of RGS teachers Emlyn & Phyllis Jones, elected to Rome Scholarship for Classical Studies, 1959. Professor of Archaeology, Manchester University. (75 Wyc) | 1936 | 1999 |
1954 | Keeling, Charles Peter | Open Exhibition (Rustat) | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Notable musician at school (trumpeter). | 1936 | 1993 |
1954 | Lomas, Robert Edwin | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Downing College. 2nd in Javelin, Cambridge Freshmen's sports meeting. Company director. | 1936 | |
1954 | Maunder, Charles Richard Francis | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Mathematician and musicologist. In 1958 awarded the Keller Prize by the university for outstanding work. PhD, Christ's College (1962). Emeritus Fellow (1964) in Mathematics, Christ's College, Cambridge; author of books on mathematics and music/musicology under the name Richard Maunder. Obituary in the Guardian. | 1937 | 2018 |
1954 | Simmons, Maurice Owen | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Oxford, Balliol College. After Oxford (read maths), emigrated to Canada. Went to London, Ontario, actuarial student with Northern Life Assurance Co. | 1936 | |
1954 | Warner, Geoffrey | Open Scholarship* | History | Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College. Did postgraduate work at Sciences Po in Paris. Taught at a number of universities – Reading, ANU (the Australian National University in Canberra), Hull (Institute of European Studies). Chair of history, Leicester University; also taught at the Open University. Latterly Fellow in Modern History, Brasenose College, Oxford, and history professor. Now retired. | 1937 | |
1955 | Bates, George E | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College (1958-61) after two years' national service. Joined British Glues and Chemicals Ltd from university, company secretary 1961-9. Moved to Croda's Head Office after company takeover, based in Yorkshire. Appointed Director of company in 1971, remaining Director and Secretary until retirement in 1991. (1975 Wyc) | 1938 | |
1955 | Chamberlin, Paul Anthony | Open Scholarship* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. Worked in the field of child care and probation, Yorkshire/Bristol. | 1938 | 2015 |
1955 | Crowther, Derek N | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. In 1965 working for an electronics firm, Nova Scotia. Brother of Michael A Crowther (see 1952 entry). (1965 May Wyc) | 1937 | |
1955 | Gordon, Anthony J | State Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. 1965, manager of the British Rope Plant, Philippines (1965 May Wyc) | 1936 | |
1955 | Jago, David Mansfield | Open Major Scholarship | English | Cambridge, Jesus College. 1965, received PhD, Leicester Univ, went to Univ of Strathcyde, Glasgow. After taking early retirement from Strathclyde University in 1998, spent 7 years teaching English as a foreign language in Slovakia, Estonia and Bulgaria. Retired to Glasgow. | 1938 | |
1955 | Jones, Raymond F | State Scholarship | French and Latin | Oxford, Exeter College. Read Geography. Studied Russian with the RAF at the Joint Services School for Linguists at Bodmin and did the rest of his national service in Hong Kong. Apr 56 & Apr 58 Wyc. | 1937 | |
1955 | Speight, John H | Open Exhibition* | Mathematics and Physics | Cambridge, Jesus College (school history says Jesus College, Oxford?!). Head of Uplyme boarding house, 1957. Studied for HNC in Mechanical Engineering with Phillips. | 1938 | |
1956 | Cullen, Gavin Anthony | State Scholarship | Botany and Zoology | London, Royal Veterinary College. Captain of the Riding School. (May 59 Wyc) PhD, BVetMed, DipBact, FRCVS. "... professional life was concerned with veterinary research. Much of my work was concerned with infectious diseases transmitted from animals to people..." (link) | 1937 | |
1956 | Newton, A G | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, University College | ||
1956 | Slotkin, Philip Maurice | Open Scholarship* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. MA, FIL. Working as a freelance translator, London (from mid-1960s) (Sep 68 Wyc, May 69 Wyc) | 1940 | |
1956 | Taylor, Geoffrey Nicholas | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Physics | Oxford, St Catherine's Society. Venture capitalist, LSI Logic Ltd, 1990s. | 1938 | |
1956 | Vaughan-Rees, Michael H | Open Exhibition* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, St John's College. Taught French in Guernsey and also taught in Algeria (Sep 65 Wyc) | 1939 | |
1957 | Briden, James C | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Oxford, St Catherine's Society. RGS 1949-57. 1961, research scholarship, G Univ., Canberra. PhD (May 62, Sep 63, Sep 65 Wycs). Research fellowship, Rhodesia. Research Fellow, Birmingham Univ, then Lecturer, Geophysics, Leeds Univ (Sep 68 Wyc, June 75 Wyc). Emeritus Professor of Geography, Oxford University. Father Henry C T ("Harry") was also at RGS, 1915-22 (born 1905, died 1998) - see 1999 OW Newsletter. | 1938 | |
1957 | Collett, Roger James | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, St John's College. Lecturer, Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone (1964). (May 67 Wyc). | 1940 | |
1957 | Cunnold, Derek Martin | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. Studied Mechanical Sciences. PhD (Aeronomy), Cornell University. Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences for 27 years, Georgia Institute of Technology. Died whilst playing tennis. | 1940 | 2009 |
1957 | Hardy, Brian J | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Imperial College. Retired after completing revision of a standard electrical engineering text book "Transmission and Distribution Electrical Engineering", jointly with original author CR Bayliss. Member of IEE. | 1939 | |
1957 | Jarman, Michael | Open Exhibition* | Chemistry | Cambridge, Jesus College. PhD, Chemistry, Cambridge (1965). Worked on cancer research, Chester Beatty Research Institute (1968) (May 70 Wyc, May 73 Wyc). Professor, Institute for Cancer Research until his retirement in 2001. Joint winner of the 2011 Royal Society of Chemistry Teamwork in Innovation award for work on abiraterone acetate (which he and his team invented) and the treatment of prostate cancer. Some of his cancer research work was conducted jointly with another RGS old boy, Peter Farmer at the Houston Medical Centre, Texas. (Dec 76 Wyc) | 1940 | |
1957 | King, Alan Francis | Open Exhibition* | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Head boy - drowned while bathing in Kreis Oldenburg in Holstein, Germany, before going up to Cambridge. | 1940 | 1958 |
1957 | Nash, David P | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College but actually went to Kings College, London. BSc (Mechanical Engineering) 1958 - 1961 Joined GEC group (D Napier & Son) as Grad Apprentice, then marine diesel specialist until 1969. Work on naval boats, Norway, USA, Phillipines, etc. Joined computer industry 1969 (IBM) as trainee sales rep - 24 years. Early retirement 1993. Part-time sales training coach with IBM. | 1940 | |
1957 | Sutton, Donald S | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Downing College. First in Chinese. PhD, Cambridge, 1971. (Sep 62 Wyc; May 77 Wyc) Went to Columbia University. Professor of Chinese history at Carnegie Mellon Univ. | 1938 | |
1957 | Williams, John Charles | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Queen Mary College. Member of IEE. BSc(eng); PhD, Electronics research and management. County bridge player. Further details of his working life in the 2002 Old Boys Newsletter. Awarded OBE, 1997, Chief exec. Inst of Electrical Engineers, for services to electrical engineering. | 1938 | |
1957 | Freeth, John W J | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, King's College. Maths degree, went to IBM, Systems Analyst. (Sep 64 Wyc). | 1938 | |
1958 | Burrows, Edward W | Open Exhibition* | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Doctorate and ordination. Librarian, Scottish Baptist College, Glasgow (2017). | 1941 | |
1958 | Date, Christopher J | Open Exhibition* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1941 | |
1958 | Dell, Simon C | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1940 | |
1958 | Knowles, William A C | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Worked for a firm of solicitors in London (May 63 Wyc), later moving to the West country (Jul 76 Wyc). His father Thomas Charles T Knowles (1910-2004) was also an OW (1920-26), a teacher and worked for British Legion, etc, before moving to Stockton, Cleveland (75 Wyc). | 1941 | |
1958 | Nuthall, Richard James | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1940 | |
1958 | White, Robert H S | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Downing College | 1940 | |
1958 | Williams, Stephen C | State Scholarship | Classics | London, King's College. | 1939 | |
1959 | Baker, John P | Open Scholarship* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, St John's College. PhD in Biochemistry, Univ of East Anglia (Sep 63 Wyc), lecturer in Saudi Arabia (May 1970 Wyc) | 1942 | |
1959 | Barber, (James) Roy | Open Exhibition* | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. RGS 1953-58. "Flt. Lt. Roy Barber is a member of the Red Arrows, the aerobatic team of the RAF. He flies a Hawker Siddeley Gnat T Mk 1." (May 77 Wyc) | 1942 | |
1959 | Baxter, Samuel P | Open Scholarship* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. Consultant psychiatrist. | 1942 | |
1959 | Bond, David H | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, King's College. Studied Engineering. Nickname "Badger". | 1941 | |
1959 | Bramley, Hugh Christopher | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Physics | Cambridge, St John's College | 1940 | |
1959 | Craft, David J | State Scholarship | Physics | London, Imperial College | 1942 | |
1959 | Davies, (David) Peter | State Scholarship | History and English | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Read history and law at Selwyn, matric. 1961. Known as Peter. His career was spent in the education sector and he became Chief Inspector of Schools for Kent. His brother Paul also won a scholarship to Selwyn (see below, 1962) | 1942 | 2017 |
1959 | Fowler, Andrew M | Open Exhibition* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. Research, Dept of Botany, Reading Univ (1964-67). PhD. Working at Nigerian Agricultural Institute (ground nuts) (Sep 68 Wyc, May 69 Wyc). | 1941 | |
1959 | Garland, John R | State Scholarship | English and History | Birmingham University | 1941 | |
1959 | Grainge, Alan | State Scholarship | Classics | London, King's College. Teaching in Italy in 1965. (May 63 Wyc) | 1940 | |
1959 | Green, Roger PH | Domus Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. Won the Chancellor's Prize for Latin verse, 1962. Professor of Humanity (Latin), Glasgow University, author. (Jun 75 Wyc) | 1943 | |
1959 | Johnson, Laurence G J | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Bristol University | 1941 | |
1959 | King, David A | Open Exhibition* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. On OB database (lives in Frankfurt, Germany). BA & MA (Oxford, maths), Dip. Ed. (Oxford), PhD (Yale, near eastern languages & literature, 1970s). Latterly professor of History of Science and Director of the Institute for the History of Science, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main (from 1985 to retirement in 2007). Full academic CV given at the link (see left). | 1941 | |
1959 | Parkins, John R | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Physics | London, King's College | 1940 | |
1959 | Swift, Michael G | State Scholarship | History and Geography | Leeds University. Post-grad at Leicester (1963) | 1940 | |
1959 | Taylor, Patrick Anthony | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Taught Classics at RGS 1966-71, and was in charge of hockey. Left for Whitgift School, Croydon. Works as an educational services consultant in Croydon, Surrey. | 1942 | |
1959 | Vickers, James A | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Imperial College. On OB database. | 1941 | |
1959 | Waller, Christopher D | Open Exhibition* | French and German | Cambridge, St John's College. Research Scholarship. ("At Rolls Royce", acc. Sep 63 Wyc, but this appears to be an error and it was actually WR Waller who was at RR.) | 1942 | |
1959 | Williams, Michael K | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Imperial College | 1940 | |
1959 | Wilson, Peter John | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Structural Engineering at Cambridge, open-cast mining, Fife (1962-65). Special Projects Engineer, Watford Borough Council, 1976 (Jul 76 Wyc). Son of RGS maths mistress Mrs Doris Wilson. His younger brothers Robin J Wilson (RGS 1957-63) and Anthony R Wilson (RGS 1960-66) also attended the RGS. | 1943 | |
1959 | Wood, Michael B | Open Exhibition* | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Read Law, qualified as a solicitor (Sep 67 Wyc) | 1942 | |
1959 | Wordie, James Ross | Open Exhibition | History | Cambridge, Queens' College. Known as Ross Wordie. Lecturer in Early Modern Social and Economic History at Reading University. | 1941 | |
1960 | Barratt, Brian A | Open Scholarship* | Arts (English, History & Geography) | Leeds University. Graduated 1963 (Sep 63 Wyc) | 1941 | |
1960 | Buckley, Brian N | State Scholarship | Classics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Read Law at Cambridge. Member of the Society of St Radegund (Jesus College, Cambridge), 2013. Has endowed two fellowships (in Classics and in Polar Science) at Jesus College, Cambridge. | 1943 | |
1960 | Camp, John E | Welsh Foundation Scholarship* | Modern Languages | Jesus College, Oxford (Won scholarship in modern languages from RGS in 1960 - see honours board; matric. 1961). OW. Left in 1968 to research Hospital Admin at Brunel University (1968-69). "My career was divided between practice as a barrister and ordained ministry in the Church of England (as well as politics and a quango or two)" (John Camp email to JS, 2015). School Governor 1977-81. Noted campanologist. (OW Newsletter, Dec 07 plus various online sources). Obit published in Oxford University Society of Change Ringers Annual Newsletter - January 2017. | 1944 | 2016 |
1960 | Cox, David Ronald | Open Exhibition* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. Law Part 1 tripos, 2-1. Referred to as "Dave" in Roger Scruton's Gentle Regrets (2005), pps 21, etc. (Not to be confused with an exact contemporary, David W Cox (1954-60) who was a teacher, Partial Hearing Unit, Terriers Middle School, May 74 Wyc). | 1944 | 1992 |
1960 | Ellis, Helena Anne | Open Exhibition* | Classics | Oxford, St Anne's College. Only girl ever to attend the school. Married an OW, Jeremy Janes, and they emigrated to California (mid-1960s). Associate professor of education, California State University, Stanislaus. | 1942 | |
1960 | Hammett, Robin William | State Scholarship | Modern Languages | Cambridge, St John's College. 2.1, French & German. Dip. Ed., Balliol College, Oxford (c1965), taught German in Plymouth (1965-67), teaching in Uganda (1968). School of Oriental and African Studies, London, 1972. Working for British Council in Bulgaria, 1973. M.Phil (London Univ, work on African languages). Teaching English, Tokyo (1975), Osaka (1977). (May 65 Wyc, Sep 64 Wyc, May 68 Wyc, May 69 Wyc, Spr 72 Wyc, May 73 Wyc, 75 Wyc, May 77 Wyc) | 1943 | 2018 |
1960 | Herring, John Roman Helmer | State Scholarship | Physics and Mathematics | London, University College. 1st in physics and PhD, from UCL. Naval Research, Laboratory (1968). Space research, Birmingham University (1970s) (May 67 Wyc) Responsible for putting a solar x-ray telescope in a satellite (May 1971 Wyc) | 1942 | |
1960 | Maunder, Edward AW | Open Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Jesus College. Mechanical engineering. Honorary fellow, Exeter University. | 1942 | |
1960 | May, Dudley P/J | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Science | London, Imperial College. Did research at Imperial, leading to PhD. Worked for Perkin Elmer AG in Switzerland (from 1966). Cross-country runner (May 1964 Wyc, May 69 Wyc) | 1941 | |
1960 | Morley, Neville A | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, King's College | 1943 | |
1960 | Nicholls, Derek H | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Oxford, Lincoln College | 1941 | |
1960 | Pearson, Richard M | State Scholarship | Science (Medicine) | Cambridge, Caius College. Went thereafter to St Mary's Hospital. Surgery at Cambridge. | 1943 | |
1960 | Smith, John Owen | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Science | London, Imperial College. BSc, Chemical Engineering. Historian, author, poet, playwright and publisher. | 1942 | |
1960 | Stratford, David K | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Read Economics. Head Boy, RGS (at time of HM Queen's visit in 1962). | 1943 | |
1960 | Walker, Gregory PM | Open Exhibition* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Degree in modern languages, PhD on publishing in the Soviet Union (Sheffield University). Librarian and author (Russian for Librarians). Retired from Bodleian in 2002, now a freelance library management consultant, running a project involving 20 major UK libraries cooperating over the support of research in Russian and East European studies. Brother Denzil R Walker (RGS 1955-62) became a freelance artist. | 1942 | |
1960 | Waller, William R | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. Graduated in Mechanical Sciences, went to Rolls Royce. HND Civil Engineering (May 1965 Wyc); son of Horace William A Waller (1910?-96, RGS 1922-29), C.S.M., O.T.C., government engineer, Tanganyika (May 61 Wyc) | 1941 | |
1960 | Ashburner, Michael | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Churchill College. Emeritus Professor of Genetics at Cambridge. FRS. | 1942 | |
1961 | Rothwell, Richard Ian | Open Scholarship | Medicine | London, Middlesex Hospital Medical School. (May 63 Wyc) National Cancer Alliance (1998-2001). | 1942 | |
1961 | Bowen, Paul David | Open Scholarship* | History | Oxford, Wadham College. Captain, Wadham Boat Club, 1964/65. Director of Business Development, The Open University (1990s). | 1943 | |
1961 | Bristow, Peter H W | State Scholarship | Classics | Aberdeen University, King's College. Archaeologist. | 1943 | |
1961 | Culley, David S | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Read Mechanical Sciences. West Riding County Council. (May 69 Wyc) | 1944 | |
1961 | Dingle, Anthony E | State Scholarship* | English and History | Nottingham University. Taught 1964-65, then doctorate at LSE. Tutor in Economic History at Monash Univ, Victoria, Australia, 1968 (May 69 Wyc) Now Honorary Professor, Dept of Economics, Monash University. Biog of Tony Dingle. | 1942 | |
1961 | Farmer, Colin Harvey | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, University College. Died in a climbing accident in Switzerland. Obit, May 1965 Wyc. | 1944 | 1964 |
1961 | Findlay, Peter J A | Open Exhibition* | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Jesus College. Read Mod Lang, acted in university drama. (May 63 Wyc). PhD, German, University of East Anglia. Lecturer in German, administrator, University of Portsmouth (1968-2004). Now a quality assurance in education consultant. | 1944 | |
1961 | Hedges, Robert Ernest Mortimer | Open Exhibition* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, St Catharine's College. 1st in Chemistry, fellow in 1967. PhD, Physical Chemistry. Archaeologist and academic. Professor of Archaeological Science, Oxford University. | 1944 | |
1961 | Hudson, Peter Charles Rhodes | State Scholarship* | Mathematics | Cambridge, Peterhouse. Sep 64 Wyc. | 1944 | |
1961 | Hume, John B | Open Exhibition* | History | Oxford, Magdalen College. Lives in NSW, Australia. Previously Executive Officer, New South Wales at Australia Arab Chamber of Commerce & Industry; Manager, Alumni Relations at University of New South Wales; Self-employed marketing and strategy consultant. Semi-retired since 2011. | 1944 | |
1961 | Keeley, Roger Alan | State Scholarship* | Mathematics and Natural Sciences | London, King's College. RGS 1953-61. 1st in Chemistry & Physics. Working on PhD and research at Aldermaston (1969). (May 1965 Wyc, May 69 Wyc) Director, Columbia Automation, Slough, along with co-director R Simmons (RGS 1953-61) (Jan 79 Wyc) | 1942 | |
1961 | Scruton, Roger Vernon | Open Scholarship* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. Fellow, Peterhouse, philosophy (1960s). English philosopher, author and academic. | 1944 | 2020 |
1961 | Blyth Ian A | Open Exhibition | English | Oxford, Lincoln College. Master at school, 1965-2003. Retirement tribute (2003). | 1943 | |
1961 | Simons, Michael D | Open Exhibition | English | Oxford, Jesus College | 1944 | |
1961 | Smyth, Robert L | Open Scholarship | English | Oxford, Wadham College. Retired journalist, author and lecturer. Two brothers were also OWs - GM Smyth (1957-63) and CA Smyth (1960-66). | 1944 | |
1962 | Brindley, Bernard J | State Scholarship | Mathematics | London, King's College. Actuary working for Commercial Union (Dec 75 Wyc) | 1944 | |
1962 | Clegg, Roger A | Open Scholarship* | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College | 1946 | |
1962 | Davies, Paul G | State Scholarship | History and English | Cambridge, Selwyn College, where he joined his elder brother, Peter (see entry for 1959). After graduating in History, he went on to serve as deputy head in two comprehensives in the borough of Hillingdon. He took early retirement in 1994 to become an English lecturer at Trnava University in Slovakia. Older brother D Peter Davies (1953-61) also graduated in History at Selwyn College, Cambridge, and became deputy head, Beacon Comprehensive School, Crowborough, Sussex. (Dec 76 Wyc) | 1943 | |
1962 | Day, Colin L | State Scholarship | Physics | Oxford, St Edmund Hall. Was advertising manager for the university newspaper whilst at Oxford. PhD and lecturer in Economics, Stirling University, then Economics Editor, Cambridge University Press. 1988, director of University of Michigan Press. Became president of Association of American University Presses. | 1944 | |
1962 | Harbinson, Robert J | State Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 1944 | |
1962 | Ludgate, Alan Templeton | State Scholarship | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Wrangler, Part 2, Maths. Distinction, Maths III. College lecturer, international chess player (Irish champion) | 1945 | |
1962 | Puddephatt, Richard J | State Scholarship | Mathematics and Science | London, University College. PhD, lecturer (Chemistry), Liverpool University (1972). Later Professor of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario. Order of Canada, FRSC, FCIC. World expert on gold and platinum chemistry. | 1943 | |
1962 | Rogers, Christopher J T | Open Scholarship* | Classics | Oxford, Pembroke College | 1944 | |
1962 | Sansom, Keith G | State Scholarship | Science and Mathematics | Leeds University. Chemical Industry. PhD. RGS 1954-62. Migrated to Sydney, taken Australian citizenship, returned to UK, having done a Management Buy-in of BIP (British Industrial Plastics), planning to return to Oz. 2001 Old Boys Notes. | 1943 | |
1962 | Swain, Christopher | State Scholarship | French and History | London, University College. Worked for BP (Sep 65 Wyc, Sep 68 Wyc) | 1943 | |
1962 | Ward, John R | Open Exhibition | History | Oxford, Balliol College. 1st in History. Research on early history of canals. Lecturer in Economic History, Edinburgh University (until recently - now honorary fellow). Author of books, including British West Indian Slavery, 1750-1834 The Process of Amelioration (Clarendon Press, 1988). (Jun 78 Wyc) | 1946 | |
1962 | Laskey, Ronald A | Open Scholarship | Zoology | Oxford, Queen's College. FRS, CBE. Emeritus Professor of Animal Embryology, Cambridge. | 1945 | |
1962 | Myant, Christopher Nicolas | Open Scholarship | History | Oxford, Balliol College. Journalist, Morning Star, from 1968, assistant editor from 1975. Equality and Human Rights Commission. Works for National Union of Journalists in Paris. | 1945 | |
1962 | Shelton, Peter MJ | Open Scholarship | Biology | St Andrew's University. 1st, best zoologist 1967, studied for PhD (May 67 Wyc, Sep 68 Wyc) Retired, 2013, after 32 years at Dept of Biology, Leicester University. Brother of Graham AB Shelton (RGS 1966-68) and Richard GJ Shelton (RGS 1955-61), Principal Scientific Officer, MAFF, Aberdeen (Dec 75 Wyc) | 1944 | |
1963 | Myerscough, Colin J | Open Scholarship | Mathematics and Physics | Cambridge, Churchill College. Senior Wrangler (i.e. top First) in Mathematics (the first Churchill College undergraduate to achieve this), PhD. Former Fellow, Churchill College. Civil servant from 1970s, latterly senior official in the Ministry of Justice. Now writes novels under the pen name J M Collin. | 1947 | |
1963 | Grieve, John | Open Scholarship | Biology | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 1945 | |
1963 | Dunbar, Guy M K | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Christ's College. Taught English at Arthur Mellows Village College, Peterborough (2005). Author of English school textbooks. Name now Guy Godbeer-Dunbar. | 1945 | |
1963 | Snelling, Richard C | Open Demyship | History | Oxford, Magdalen College. Research into imperialism (1968). Commonwealth scholarship, Canberra (1970); D.Phil., Oxford (1972). | 1946 | |
1963 | Farmer, Peter Brownlee | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Lincoln College. 1st, Chemistry. DPhil, Oxford (Sep 68 Wyc, May 1971 Wyc, then to Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia). Professor of Cancer Biomarkers, University of Leicester. Some of his cancer research work was conducted jointly with another RGS old boy, Michael Jarman at the Houston Medical Centre, Texas. (May 73 & Dec 76 Wyc). | 1947 | |
1963 | Ferguson, Michael R | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Oxford, Jesus College. Dip. Ed. Teaching in Germany (from 1968) (May 69 Wyc). Continued to live in Germany working on publishing school books. | 1945 | |
1963 | Dingle, Alan William | Open Scholarship | English | Oxford, Lincoln College. Degree in English, worked at V&A Museum (May 70 Wyc). | 1945 | |
1963 | Seale, Geoffrey M | Open Scholarship | Botany and Zoology | Menzies Bursary in Biology, started at St Andrew's University in 1964. | 1945 | |
1964 | Bradley, Anthony/Alan? J | Open Exhibition | English | Oxford, Magdalen College | 1947 | |
1964 | Carritt, Mark | Freeston Scholarship | Physics | Oxford, University College. Keen cyclist. Mark was a grandson of the distinguished philosopher EF Carritt (1876-1964), and a nephew of the radical activist Bill Carritt. Having matriculated at 'Univ' in 1965, he took a 1st in “Honours Mods” in 1966, followed by a 2nd in Natural Science (physics) in 1968. | 1946 | 1975 |
1964 | Havard, John E | Open Exhibition | Modern Studies | RAF Flying Scholarship and Private Pilot’s Licence, 1964. Oxford, Pembroke College (PPE, 1965-68; graduate work in philosophy & schoolteaching, 1968-74). Department of Energy and successors, 1974-2012; Head of Gas Policy, 1998-2011. OBE (NY 2011). Argued for 2nd referendum on Brexit (“The Economist”, 9 July 2016; see also Lord Butler’s speech in House of Lords, 5 July 2016). (May 67 Wyc, May 69 Wyc) | 1946 | |
1964 | Jones, Richard C | Open Choral Scholarship | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. Won under-25 solo at Eisteddfod (1965). Solicitor, BP Legal Dept (Sep 72 Wyc) | 1946 | ||
1964 | Jones, Robert M | Open Exhibition | English | Oxford, Jesus College. | 1946 | |
1964 | Mobbs, Michael John | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College. Went into banking. Captain of school chess team. | 1946 | 2009 |
1964 | Wood, Paul Muir | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Peterhouse. Eldest son of Mrs Winifred Wood, maths mistress at RGS, 1956-65. Brothers David Muir Wood and Robert Muir Wood also attended RGS. Senior lecturer, biochemistry, Univ of Bristol. | 1947 | |
1965 | Bissett, Andrew D | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Wadham College. In the USA since 1971, for the last 10+ years in Hawaii as a practising psychiatrist. Programme director for a residential treatment programme for the management of post-traumatic stress disorder. | 1947 | |
1965 | Bush, Richard W | Open Scholarship | History | Oxford, Jesus College | 1947 | |
1965 | Chorley, Stephen Ireland | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, University College. Read Law/PPE, involved in music. (Sep 68 Wyc). Town planning, Kirkcaldy, lived in Dalgety, Fife. M.Sc in Town and Country Planning (May 1971 Wyc). Died January 2016. | 1948 | 2016 |
1965 | Cutler, George Francis | Open Scholarship | English | Oxford, Worcester College. Died in Barnet in 2005. | 1947 | 2005 |
1965 | Hedgeland, David Richard Sweatman | Open Scholarship | Engineering | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Read Mechanical Sciences. Represented Cambridge University at small-bore rifle. Worked for Rolls Royce at Derby (May 1971 Wyc). Research fellow, Selwyn (1971). Brother NMS Hedgeland (1961-68) worked for Whitaker's Almanac. Appointed M.B.E, June 1989, Technical Director, The Monotype Corporation plc. Mullard Award, 1989. | 1948 | |
1965 | Hentall, Ian D | Open Scholarship | Zoology | Leicester University (but instead took up a place at Pembroke College, Oxford, to read Zoology, 1967-70). Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1970-76, PhD (Biology). Research Associate Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery, Miami University. | 1948 | |
1965 | Sears, Paul Lindsay | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. Read Nat. Sci., BA 1969, MA 1973. Doctorate in the Reactivity of Transition Metals, graduating, PhD in 1974. In the mid-1970s moved to Canada as a researcher at the University of Toronto before joining the Canada Centre for Mineral and Energy Technology. | 1949 | 2012 |
1965 | Simons, Keith Nicholas | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Exeter College. Chartered accountant, Touche Ross. | 1948 | |
1965 | Stenning, Keith | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Trinity College (read philosophy & psychology). Cognitive scientist, honorary Professor at the University of Edinburgh. | 1948 | |
1965 | Turner, Martin Vernon Lawrence | Open Douglas Jerrold S. | English | Oxford, Christ Church. Formerly Director of Assessment Services, Dyslexia Institute. Published poet. | 1948 | 2010 |
1965 | Sworn, Christopher Howard | Open Scholarship ¶ | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Churchill College. ¶ Not recorded on school honours board but awarded retrospectively by Churchill. 1st, Part 1b, Nat.Sci. (Sep 66 Wyc, p162, May 67 Wyc, Sep 68 Wyc), 1st Physics. PhD, Metal Physics, Cavendish. Management with RPC Group plc. Since retirement (2010), voluntary training work in Namibia and Zimbabwe. Links: Namibia. | 1946 | |
1966 | Burrell, Michael M | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. Read botany. Professor of Animal & Plant Sciences, Sheffield University. | 1949 | |
1966 | Hickox, Richard Sidney | Organ Scholarship | Cambridge, Queens' College. Conductor of classical music. Awarded CBE in 2002. | 1948 | 2008 | |
1966 | Mildon, Russell J | Open Scholarship | Mathematics | London, Royal Holloway College. Graduated in Maths & Computer Science. M.Tech. at Brunel University. Ex-Director at European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture. At European Commission from 1974-2009. Chess player. (Source: Jan 1999 Old Boys' Newsletter) | 1949 | 2019 |
1966 | Oliver, Andrew J | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Hertford College. 1st in Geography at Oxford. BSc (Bristol) in Chemistry. PhD, Alberta University, Canada. At McMaster's University, Hamilton, Ontario (1972) (Spr 1972 Wyc). Consultant in uranium industry, Toronto, Canada; senior research chemist, International Nickel Company of Canada (May 74 Wyc) | 1948 | |
1966 | Snodin, David N | Open Scholarship | English | Oxford, Trinity College. Writer, novelist, producer, screen writer, editor. His play A Game Called Arthur praised by critic Harold Hobson (May 1971 Wyc, May 74 Wyc) | 1948 | |
1966 | Thornton, Philip R | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Christ's College | 1949 | |
1966 | Wood, David Muir | Open Scholarship | Mechanical Sciences | Cambridge, Peterhouse. Dean of Engineering, University of Bristol, 2003 to 2007. From 1995, Professor of Civil Engineering. Middle son of Mrs Winifred Wood, maths mistress at RGS, 1956-65. Elder brother Paul Muir Wood and younger brother Robert Muir Wood also attended RGS. Wikipedia. | 1949 | |
1967 | Coniam, Stephen W | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. Qualified medical doctor, anaesthetist (FRCA), author. | 1950 | |
1967 | Hague1, William Martin | Choral Exhibition | (Classics) | Cambridge, Trinity College. Bill Hague was the son of the vicar of High Wycombe, Eric Hague. He was born in China where his parents were missionaries. Intended to read law at Trinity but switched to medicine, qualifying as a doctor at Cambridge and St Thomas' Hospital, London. Currently (2023) Professor in Obstetric Medicine, University of Adelaide, Australia. Biographical and contact details. 1 Though he won his award whilst at the school, his name does not appear on the honours board as he was only at the school for one term (Autumn 1967). He had previously attended St. Lawrence College, Ramsgate. | 1949 | |
1967 | Hills, Brian Philip | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Oxford, Wadham College. 1st in Chemistry, then research (May 73 Wyc where he is misspelled as PP Hills; 75 Wyc) Senior scholarship, St John's College, Oxford; Ph.D. 1975. NATO Fellowship, Massachusetts Institute of technology, 1974-76, studying hydrodynamics. Returned to Cambridge, England, further doctoral research. Missionary work/lecturing in Indonesia, returned to Norwich, where he worked at the Institute of Food Research and on improving MRI technology. (Obituary, page 120 of the 2012 Wadham College Gazette.) | 1949 | 2012 |
1967 | Lowe, Mark Julian | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. City financier. | 1950 | |
1967 | Miles, Michael G | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Oxford, Trinity College | 1949 | |
1967 | Morton, David | Open Scholarship | Modern Languages | Oxford, St Catherine's College. Degree in Russian and French. Health Harrison Scholarship, Chartres & Paris, 1972. Worked for Shell, 1973 (May 73 Wyc). | 1950 | |
1967 | Robinson, John S | Open Exhibition | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College | 1949 | |
1967 | Winter, Philip E | Open Exhibition | Classics | Cambridge, Churchill College. Independent diplomat. Awarded OBE in 2004 for services to conflict resolution, Africa. Author, lives in Kenya. | 1949 | |
1968 | Arbaney, Alam | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Actuary working with Deloittes. | 1950 | |
1968 | Elliott, Ian Sheppard | Open Exhibition | Modern Languages | Oxford, St Catherine's College. M.A. (Oxford), 1969-73. M.A. (Reading), Linguistics, 1973-74. FCA. Owner and CEO Polymark Group from 1999. | 1952 | |
1968 | Fraser, Peter H | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Jesus College. | 1951 | |
1968 | Johnson, Geoffrey Fielding | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. Later a freelance IT consultant, Rickmansworth. | 1951 | |
1968 | LeMessurier, Andrew P | Open Scholarship | Engineering Science | Oxford, Pembroke College. MA & DPhil (Oxford). Oil & Gas industry. Director, Benthic Geotech Ltd, Australia. (Categorically, not a guitarist in The Wombles! Case of mistaken identity given in Jul 76 Wyc) | 1951 | |
1968 | McColl, Duncan E | Open Exhibition | Mathematics | Cambridge, Selwyn College. Dynamicist, Hawker Siddeley, Hatfield, 1973 (May 73 Wyc) | 1951 | |
1968 | Woolley, Jonathan E | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, King's College. Taught in Kenya before going up (May 70 Wyc). MA, Natural Sciences; PhD, Applied Biology, Cambridge University. Worked directly with poor farmers in Nigeria, Costa Rica, Colombia, Mexico, and in Ecuador. Director, QUNO (Quaker United Nations Office), Geneva, 2011-2021. | 1952 | |
1968 | David, Stephen W | Open Scholarship | Chemistry | London, Imperial College. BSc, Chemistry, 1972. M Sc, Marine Earth Science, UCL, 1975-76. Scientific Officer, Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Southampton University, 1978-85; Administration and Finance Officer, Indonesia Human Rights Campaign, 1997-99; Finance & Donations Officer, Church Urban Fund, 2001-5. | 1951 | |
1968 | Shelton, Graham AB | Open Scholarship | Biology | St Andrew's University. PhD, neurophysiology. Lecturer, Comparative Physiology, Exeter College, Oxford. MD of Oxford PharmaGenesis Ltd. Brother of Peter MJ Shelton and Richard GJ Shelton (RGS 1955-61), Principal Scientific Officer, MAFF, Aberdeen (Dec 75 Wyc) | 1950 | |
1969 | Bedwell, Peter J | Choral Exhibition | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 1949 | ||
1969 | Cavey, Maurice J | Open Scholarship | History | Oxford, Balliol College. Started a B.Phil. in Middle Eastern Studies (1973/74); gave it up to play music in semi-pro rock bands in Oxford - audio reminiscences on BBC Radio Oxford, 2016. Later did p/t teaching, guitar tuition. Eventually went back to the B.Phil. course. His father Hilaire J Cavey (1915-1996) was also an OW (1925-32). Lived in Kingston, Herefordshire (May 73 Wyc). | 1951 | |
1969 | Hill, Stephen Martin Raymond | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Pembroke College | 1952 | |
1969 | Richards, Peter M | Open Exhibition | History | Cambridge, Emmanuel College. Read Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, PhD. Fellow, Hughes Hall, Cambridge. Edited CAM (Cambridge University Alumni Magazine) for 13 years. | 1951 | 2009 |
1969 | Smith, Trevor W | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke College | 1950 | |
1970 | Barker, David G | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Trinity College. 1st in Chemistry. | 1953 | |
1970 | Becket, Henry A | Choral Exhibition | Cambridge, Caius College. Wrote TV Commercials for over twenty years, then directed them. Lives in Bordeaux. 2001 Old Boys' Notes. | 1953 | ||
1970 | Chapman, Christopher John | Open Exhibition | Mathematics | Cambridge, St Catharine's College. 1st in maths, fellow of Christ's. PhD in applied maths at Bristol; professor at Keele University. | 1952 | |
1970 | Clarke, Peter L | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke College | 1951 | |
1970 | Costello, Peter M J | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Brasenose College. In 2013 retired as headmaster of Guildford County School. | 1953 | |
1970 | Davison, Roger | Open Scholarship | Chemistry | Oxford, Pembroke College. Became an accountant with Ernst & Young. Obituary. | 1952 | 2012 |
1970 | Hardy, Christopher D | Open Scholarship | History | Oxford, Balliol College. Degree in Law. Solicitor, partner BPCollins, Gerrards Cross, from 1983. (Sometimes confused with CA (Adam) Hardy, RGS 1965-71, who went to Trinity College Cambridge, achieved a 1st in architecture, was chairman of the Cambridge University Fabian Society and later a professor of architecture at Cardiff University) | 1953 | |
1970 | Jones, Simon E | Open Scholarship | Classics | Oxford, Balliol College. Degree in Lit Hum (Classics), qualified as barrister. Now lecturing at Birkbeck, London, WEA and Oxford. | 1952 | |
1970 | Leegood, Richard C | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College. 1st in Botany, PhD (1978). Professor, Animal and Plant Sciences, Sheffield University. | 1952 | |
1970 | Morris, Peter G | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Churchill College. 1st in physics; Theoretical Physics, PhD, solid state NMR. Professor, Nottingham University. Helped construct world's first whole body MRI scanning system. | 1953 | |
1971 | Bell, Graham J E | Open Scholarship | English | Oxford, St Catherine's College. RGS 1969-71. Rowed for his college. | 1953 | |
1971 | Burrows, John W | Open Scholarship | Geography | Oxford, Hertford College. 1st in Geography. Travels in North/South America (May 1973 Wyc) Ph.M., town planning, London University. Working in Glasgow, 1978 (Jun 78 Wyc). | 1953 | |
1971 | Cole, Ian | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Churchill College. 1st in Physics. Remained at Churchill to do research, in the Slow Neutron Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory (Dec 76 Wyc). | 1954 | |
1971 | Crisp, Simon R | Open Scholarship | Modern Languages | Oxford, St Catherine's College. Specialist in Caucasian and Central Asian languages, bible translation. (May 77 Wyc) | 1954 | |
1971 | Head, Christopher J | Open Exhibition | History | Cambridge, Churchill College. CEO of Meningitis Research Foundation, Bristol. | 1953 | |
1971 | Rollason, Christopher R | Open Scholarship | English | Cambridge, Trinity College. 1st in English, university prize for best papers. European Parliament, Luxembourg: translator (from French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian) and text editor. Numerous scholarly publications and lectures. Personal website. | 1954 | |
1971 | Tinn, David Stanley Ohn | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, King's College. Metallurgy. Captain of the Cambridge University swimming team. Director, Kee Safety International (1992-present). | 1954 | |
1972 | Dicker, Adrian J W | Open Exhibition | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. | 1955 | |
1972 | Edwards, D M | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke College | 1955 | |
1972 | Knowles, Kevin M | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Churchill College. Senior University Lecturer, Cambridge University, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy. Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge, Director of Studies in Natural Sciences. Editor of the scientific journal Philosophical Magazine. | 1955 | |
1972 | Lacey, Richard Charles | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Selwyn College. 1st in Natural Sciences, Part 1. | 1953 | 2012 |
1972 | Lowe, David A | Choral Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Gonville & Caius College. | 1953 | |
1972 | Smith, MC | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 1955 | |
1972 | Sunley, John A | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke College. Read Social & Political Sciences. Founded Ashton Consulting in 2000, based in Tokyo. | 1955 | |
1972 | Underwood, John E | Open Exhibition | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Clare College. 1st in Natural Sciences. | 1955 | |
1972 | Walker, Adrian P G | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Trinity College | 1954 | |
1973 | Austin, Peter R J | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, King's College | 1955 | |
1973 | Gay, Simon M | Choral Scholarship | Cambridge, King's College. Soloist (alto, counter tenor). Music teacher, choirmaster. | 1956 | ||
1973 | Rose, Jeremy D | Langdon-Brown Sch | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Pembroke College. Qualified as a medical doctor from Guy's Hospital, London, 1980. Clinical Director and Founder GP, The Practice PLC http://www.thepracticegroup.co.uk | 1955 | |
1973 | Shaw, PJ | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | ||
1974 | Chadwick, Julian William Mark | Open Exhibition | History and Economics | Oxford, Christ Church. Appeared on University Challenge as team captain. Solicitor, Thomas Eggar, Newbury, Berkshire. Ex-chair, Latin Mass Society of England and Wales. | 1957 | |
1974 | Flint, Peter J | Open Scholarship | French and English | Oxford, University College. Solicitor, arbitrator, project risk consultant. Website. | 1956 | |
1974 | Hoddinott, Peter J | Scholarship | Mining Geology | London, Imperial College. Executive Vice-President, Lafarge, to 2016. | 1957 | |
1974 | Kelly, SM | Open Exhibition | History | Oxford, Christ Church | ||
1974 | MacDonald, FD | Langdon-Brown Sch | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Corpus Christi College | 1956 | |
1975 | Armstrong, Stephen R | Organ Scholarship | Music | Cambridge, Queens' College. Studied the organ under Richard Hickox. Whilst still at school, assistant organist at High Wycombe Parish Church and studied at the Royal College of Music. In 1977 founded the St. Margaret's Singers, in 1979 renamed the Fairhaven Singers. Appointed conductor of the High Wycombe Choral Society and the Felice Orchestra in 1984. | 1957 | |
1975 | Barton, Christopher M J ¶ | Organ Scholarship | ¶ Not on honours board but awarded an organ scholarship at Worcester College, Oxford, 1975-78. RGS 1966-71. Left school in 1971 when he won an organ scholarship at Trent College, Nottingham. Organist and choirmaster, Newport Cathedral, 1979-2014. Music Director, Dyfed Choir, 1985-98. More biographical info. | 1956 | ||
1975 | Bennett, Keith D | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Peterhouse. Professor, School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology, Queen's University, Belfast. | ||
1975 | Cousens, Simon N | Open Exhibition | Mathematics | Cambridge, St John's College. Professor of Epidemiology & Medical Statistics, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. | 1957 | |
1975 | Harrison, PJ | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Emmanuel College. 1st - awarded a Senior Scholarship (Dec 77 Wyc) | 1957 | |
1975 | Hopkins, SA | Taylor Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Sidney Sussex College | 1956 | |
1975 | Jenkins, AA | Scholarship | Law | Aberystwyth, University of Wales | ||
1975 | Madelin, Robert P | Open Scholarship | Modern Studies | Oxford, Magdalen College. RGS 1968-75. Studied French and History. Underwood Exhibition, 1978. Director General, Public Health and Consumer Affairs, European Commission (2005). Director-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology (2012). Chairman, FIPRA International Ltd, 2016. Photo. Brother Philip J Madelin also an OW (RGS 1970-76): worked for TSB. | 1957 | |
1975 | Newton, Benjamin R | Open Exhibition | English | Cambridge, Pembroke College. President of Pembroke Junior Parlour. | 1957 | |
1975 | Suckling, David J | Open Exhibition | Classics | Oxford, University College | 1957 | |
1975 | White, CM | Open Scholarship | Natural Sciences | Cambridge, Queens' College | 1957 |