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John Saunders


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Tournament: 10th Varsity Match • Venue: St. George's Chess Club, 47 Albemarle St, Piccadilly • Date: Thursday 30 March 1882
Download PGNList of Varsity Matches • Back to 1881 • Forward to 1883 • last edited: Tuesday February 11, 2025 11:52 AM

The 10th Varsity Chess Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University was held at St. George's Chess Club, 47 Albemarle St, Piccadilly, London, on Thursday 30 March 1882 with Wilhelm Steinitz adjudicating unfinished games. Start time shortly after 2pm, end time 7pm.

1881«     1882 Varsity Chess Match     »1883
Bd Oxford University Game 1 Game 2 Cambridge University
1w Edward Herring Kinder (Brasenose) 0-1 0-1 Francis Parker Carr (St Catharine's)
2b George Edward Wainwright (University) 1-0 ½-½ Frank Morley (King's)
3w Charles Dealtry Locock (University) ½-½ 1-0 Edward Lancelot Raymond (Christ's)
4b William Haslam Heaton (Brasenose) 1-0 ½-½ Henry John Lloyd (Trinity)
5w William Newton Percy Beebe (Trinity) 0-1 ½-½ George William Kuechler (Sidney Sussex)
6b Thomas Arnold Wise (Lincoln) ½-½ 0-1 William Pengelly Buncombe (Non-Coll.)
7w John Moultrie (New) 0-1   Frederick Mortimer Young (Trinity)

Sources: Oxford-Cambridge Chess Matches (1873-1987), (compiled by Jeremy Gaige, Philadelphia 1987); BCM 1882, p167f; Chess-Monthly, April 1882, p.226-7; The Field, 1 April 1882; Sergeant, Philip W, A Century of Chess (London 1934), p295-296 & 344 (ref'd as PWS); FreeBMD & other statutory records; Ancestry.com; FindMyPast.com; Who Was Who 1897-2007; Wikipedia. 6 of the 13 games played are available in the download.

Notes: Kinder, Beebe and Buncombe listed as "Rev" (Gaige); Wise (Oxford) and Raymond were OUCC and CUCC presidents respectively. Steinitz conducted three adjudications.

BCM, 1882, p167f

"The victory of Oxford in the Boat Race, and that of Cambridge by the odd event in the Athletic Sports, both turned out as had been predicted; but the result of the tenth annual Chess Match, won for the seventh time by Cambridge, was something of a surprise. It was known that Oxford had been making great exertions to wipe off one from their balance of defeats; and they were on this occasion more decidedly the favourites than last year, when in a closely contested match the scale was turned against them by a single game. They had once more had the advantage of a greater number of practice matches against strong clubs, in which, as we noticed last month, the leading players among the residents, and especially Mr. Wainwright, had greatly distinguished themselves. We ventured to hint, however, that the friends of Cambridge need not despair: and our forecast has been justified by the event, the Light Blue having scored a majority of two games on the general merits of their team.

Mr. Carr for Cambridge, and Mr. Kinder for Oxford, were once more opposed; and this time at board No. 1. Mr. Kinder was unfortunately out of practice, and last year's result between the pair was reversed. The Cantab's victory in both games is, however, in great measure due to his own improved steadiness, and not merely to his opponent's errors: and is in every way most creditable to him.

At board No. 2 Mr. Morley, the holder of the champion prize, if we are not mistaken, in his own club, had the misfortune to lose a rook in the first game, and a piece in the second, by errors in his first few moves : and these two games cannot be taken as samples of his true form. Only one of the games, however, was scored against him : for his opponent through impetuosity missed the winning continuation in the second game, and was forced to content himself with a draw.

Mr. Locock, the Oxonian engaged at board No. 3, is perhaps the most brilliant and attacking player now at either University; and Mr. Raymond showed excellent judgment in declining the Evans Gambit against him. The cautious manoeuvring of both players allowed no opportunity for a decisive entry on either side and the game was drawn by consent when the Queens and all the minor pieces had been changed off, and each was left with the unusual array of two Rooks and eight Pawns. The second game at this board was one of the best in the match. The opening, a Ruy Lopez begun by Mr. Raymond, might easily have drifted into an uninteresting drawn position, but both players went in vigorously for the attack, and the Cantab, not looking sufficiently to his defences, enabled Mr. Locock to win by an uncommonly happy series of finishing strokes.

At the three first boards, therefore, the results balanced one another, and at No. 4 the scale was turned in favour of Oxford. The first game was speedily determined in favour of Mr. Heaton, who seems to us likely to prove a valuable acquisition to his University in future contests. The second, which was much better contested, was adjudged as drawn by the umpire when time was called.

The success of Cambridge on the general result was decided at the last three boards, which on this occasion were far from displaying the usual characteristics of a "tail" in serious oversights and generally weak play. Both Universities, indeed, are to be congratulated on the diffused excellence of their teams, evinced not merely in this match but in their respective scores against the City of London Fourth Class. At No. 5 Mr. Kuchler won his first game in good style, and had there been a little more time would in all probability have won the second. The umpire, in adjudging the game as a draw, was of course bound to assume that the best moves would be made : but the correct defence was by no means obvious, and against any other Mr. Kuchler would have won the game, as he pointed out himself, by a brilliant sacrifice of his Queen.

At No. 6, the first game early assumed a drawish appearance in which both players acquiesced, and did not fight it out to the bitter end; the second was claimed by the Cantab, and the claim was allowed by the umpire.

It had been agreed that there should be no time limit; and that the players did not abuse this privilege was shown by the fact that No. 7 was the only board at which no second game was played. Here the Oxonian was indisposed, and an adjournment took place; to the same cause is probably to be attributed his loss of the game when it was at length resumed. Mr. Young, in his way of finishing off this game, showed the signs of a proficient.

Time was called at 7 p.m., when play had lasted within a few minutes of five hours, and Mr. Steinitz having promptly but conclusively given his decisions on the three games submitted to him, the result was as under.

At eight o'clock the players were entertained by the St. George's Club at the usual locality, the Criterion. The chair was most efficiently filled by Mr. W. A. Lindsay, who will be remembered by many readers of the B.C.M. as the Conservative candidate for Huddersfield at the last election. The company included the three Honorary Members of the Club, Messrs. Blackbume, Steinitz, and Zukertort, Sir Charles Locock, Bart., Mr. Steel, and most of those who, as old University men, had been interested spectators of the afternoon's proceedings. We may observe that among the senior members of the Club the Cantabs muster more strongly than the Oxonians, but that the balance is rapidly being restored by the number of recruits from Oxford who join it after their pleasant experiences of these meetings. After the usual loyal toasts, the Chairman proposed the University Chess Clubs in a clever and amusing speech, in which he gave his own recollections of Chess as a Cambridge undergraduate. Mr. Raymond replied for Cambridge, and Mr. Wise for Oxford; and our remarks of last year as to the high standard of public speaking which accompanies proficiency in Chess among young men, were again fully justified. Mr. H. R. Francis, the oldest member present, who himself achieved high classical distinction at Cambridge some fifty years back, his youthful enthusiasm rekindled by the victory of his own University, proposed the health of Mr. Steinitz in a speech, full of wit and animation. The next toast was that of the Honorary Members, given by Mr. Minchin, and coupled with the name of Mr. Blackburne ; and it gave that gentleman the opportunity of acknowledging the compliment paid him a month previously, which, owing to an attack of his old enemy rheumatic gout, he had then been unable to do. Mr. Blackburne's announcement of his intention to compete in the approaching Vienna Tournament was received with marked applause. The Chess Press was then proposed by Col. Sterling, and Dr. Zukertort, in returning thanks, made a similar announcement as regards himself.

With these toasts the regular programme came to an end : but others followed, not included in the "card". Mr. Ranken, taking advantage of the presence of Mr. Steel for the first time at one of these gatherings, proposed prosperity to Anglo-Indian Chess, and expressed the hope that the late cable match between Liverpool and Calcutta might find many imitators. Mr. Steel, in responding, referred to Chess as a pastime in which natives and Europeans met on common ground and with the happiest results, and promised & "warm reception" to any young University man who might adopt an Indian career. From all that we have heard of the climate of Lower Bengal, we should say that this remark would prove true in more senses than one. The toast of the St. George's Club, proposed by Mr. Raymond and coupled with the name of Mr. Lindsay, drew forth another excellent speech from the Chair. Mr. Wise gave the health of the Honorary Secretary, Mr. Minchin, to whose energy and organizing power these matches in their present form are so much indebted : and Mr. Minchin, in his reply, alluded to his enthusiasm for the sports and emulations of the young as the mainspring of his exertions on their behalf. The health of Mr. Wayte, as an officer of the Club and an active promoter of University Chess, was then given by Mr. Gattie: and Mr. Wayte, in acknowledging the compliment, referred to the gratifying improvement in the standard of play attained of late by the University teams, and especially by their junior members."

[Chess-Monthly, April 1882, p.226-7]
"THE INTER-UNIVERSITY CHESS MATCH. - Before giving our report of this year's contest between Oxford and Cambridge it may be interesting to our readers to glance at the records of the matches played by the Universities from the commencement in 1873. We are indebted to Mr. E. J. Crosse, M.A., Exeter, for the compilation of a vast amount of statistics on the subject, and we must regret that our space will not permit us to give more than the following table : -

[table of results 1873-81]

The result up to the present did show that Cambridge won six matches and Oxford three. Counting drawn games as half Cambridge scored 71½ games and Oxford 55½. The battle grounds have been the City of London Chess Club in 1873-4-5, the West-End Chess Club in 1876, and the St. George's ever since, and likely to remain so as long as the Club and the University contests will exist.

[p.227] No previous Chess match of the sister Universities was looked for with as much interest and eager expectation as the one we have just witnessed. The prestige of the Dark Blues, owing to their late successes, was weighing down, in no small degree, the balance of public opinion in their favour. Cambridge had kept comparatively quiet, and we have no hesitation in stating that their victory was a surprise to the majority; at least, our predictions to that effect were generally received with serious doubts in our prophetic capacities. We heartily congratulate both victors and vanquished, for their play has vastly improved, a most welcome result of these annual battles. The match was fixed for 2 o'clock, and both teams were punctual in their appearance on the battle-ground. The toss for the first move on the first board was won by Oxford, and the combatants sat down at 2.15 for the struggle of supremacy in our intellectual pastime. The condition was that play should continue without intermission until 6.30, when the unfinished games would be adjudicated by Mr. Steinitz, the umpire. When time was called three games had to be adjudicated, and Cambridge won by 7½ games to 5½.


Shortly after the conclusion of the hostilities the members of the St. George's and their guests of the Universities assembled to dinner in one of the private rooms of the Criterion, Mr. W. A. Lindsay in the Chair. After the loyal toasts proposed from the Chair, Mr. Lindsay gave in a very eloquent speech the toast of the evening, "The University Chess Clubs," coupling it with the names of their Presidents, Messrs. Raymond and Wise, who responded in a way which augurs well for our next generation of debaters and orators. Mr. Francis, the veteran of the St. George's, gave "The Health of the Umpire, Mr. Steinitz." Mr. Minchin proposed "The Honorary Members and Mr. Blackburne," who, thanking for the honour recently bestowed upon him, and expressing his regret for not having been present at the banquet given in celebration of his success at Berlin, announced his intention to do battle again at Vienna. Colonel Sterling gave "The Prosperity of the Chess Press and Mr. Zukertort;" Mr. Kinder, "The St. George's Club and Mr. Lindsay ;" Mr. Gattie, "The Health of Mr. Wayte;" Rev. Mr. Ranken, "Anglo-Indian Press and Mr. R. Steele;" Mr. Wise, "The Honorary Secretary, Mr. Minchin." Our space permits only the remark that all these toasts were eloquently proposed, warmly received, and gratefully answered.

Dinner afterwards at the Criterion Restaurant, W Lindsay occupying the chair.

The Field, 1 April 1882: The Inter-University Chess Match. Since it has been found most expedient to shut out the general public from the direct view of the annual trial of chess skill between the two Universities, the limited number of spectators affords little outward indication of the impression which this contest is creating in the public mind. But we may perhaps fairly take the progress apparent in the efforts the combatants as a healthy sign of the reaction of public opinion on individual tastes, and from that point of view an improvement is to be noticed from year to year. The quality of the play has been rising perceptibly, though gradually, especially on the lower boards of the two teams, since the institution of the match in 1872; and the form shown by the representatives of the Universities would now, we believe, be above the average of teams which chess societies outside of the strongest metropolitan clubs could produce.

The match of this year took place on Thursday last at the new rooms of the St. George's Chess Club, 47, Albemarle-street. All the members of the two teams had assembled punctually at two o'clock, and the contest commenced in earnest within a few minutes afterwards. The conditions were the same in the main as on all previous occasions, the principal alterations in comparison with former contests being, that tne third game was to be played between anr one pair, and that a second game should not be commenced after five o'clock. Oxford were slightly the favourites in general opinion at the outset; for the Cantabs had already won the three last successive matches, while in the first six contests the two Universities had effected an even score. It was, therefore, expected that the Oxonians would make strenuous efforts in order to obtain the victory on this occasion; and it was thought that they would be likely to succeed, os they had only lost the match of last year by the odd game. Their chances seemed to be also much augmented owing to their having received good training in a considerable number of matches against different clubs during the year, and much importance was attached to their being supported on the second board by Mr Wainwright, who had rapidly risen since last year, when he only played sixth, and who had beaten Mr Ranken and Mr Cook in the encounter of the University respectively against the Oxford seniors and against Birmingham. An easy victory was therefore naturally predicted for Oxford, who had won the toss.

The first two games of the match were decided in their favour at about 3 o’clock and 3.30 respectively on boards No. 2 and 4 and the impression thus created was not much neutralised when the next game, on Board No. 1, was decided for the Cantabs, until the result on board No. 5 equalised the score. Two draws, which were announced almost simultaneously on boards 3 and 1, kept up the suspense until the commencement of the second round, which was entered upon on all the boards except No. 7, but then the Cantabs gradually gained in the score, and the Oxonians only obtained one more victory, viz., on board No. 3. The final result in favour of the Cambridge is, in a great measure, ascribed to the beneficial influence which the Cantabe receive from first-class practice on the occasion of the visits of Mr Zukertort, who, for several years past, has given blindfold and simultaneous performances at Cambridge.

On board No. 1, Kinder opened with the Q gambit, which was declined by Carr, and the game proceeded with the Q fianchetto on both sides, Cantab in the defence having, up to the ninth more, exactly imitated his adversary's developing manoeuvres, which however, resulted in Black's QP being first isolated, while the Oxonian kept his pawns on the K side compact. Kinder gradually obtained the better game, and could have retained his advantage if he had not exchanged queens on the eighteenth move; apparently under the misapprehension that he would gain a P by a subsequent sacrifice of a piece. The venture turned out unsound, and the Cantab retained the piece with a strong attack, which soon forced the gain of another piece, whereupon the Oxonian resigned. In the second game, a Sicilian defence, Kinder, by a premature advance of the QP, which was well taken advantage of by the opponent, lost a P on the thirteenth move. Carr then pressed his attack in an unexceptional manner, which was enlivened by his offering to sacrifice the Q, whereby he gained important time, as the opponent could not take it without being mated. The Cantab reduced the adverse forces by well-timed exchanges, which left Kinder no other option but to give up another P. Ultimately, Carr had three passed pawns on the Q side; and though the Oxonian made a stout resistance, he had at last to resign, when, by an oversight, he allowed the exchange of his R; but the game was otherwise also hopeless.

On board no.2 Morley opened with the Scotch game with Paulsen's contination 7 B–QKt5 to which Wainwright replied 7...KtxKt. Instead of retaking with the P, which would have given White the better game, he took with the B; whereupon the Oxonian exchanged, followed on the Q retaking (another weak move; the P should have recaptured) by the clever sally of Q–Kt4 attacking the B, and also threatening Q–B8ch, which must have won at least two pawns. Morley, after retreating the B to B sq, elected in reply to the check of the adverse Q, to come out with his K to K2, and then to B3, leaving the opponent to capture the QR, ... etc.

PWS (p298): In 1882 C. D. Locock, from the same college as Wainwright, appeared for the first time, this celebrated "Univ." pair being a great source of strength to Oxford for four years together, while Locock played on till 1886.

PWS (p298, footnote): "In the course of some chess reminiscences in the B.C.M. for January, 1933, Mr. Locock, at the age of 70, writes: "In 1881 I went to University College, Oxford, and finding that the hon. secretary of the 'Varsity Chess Club was at that college I at once left a card on him. A few hours later came a knock at my door, and entered a man, one year my senior, with a round bespectacled face, who announced himself as G. E. Wainwright. We did not guess then what hundreds of games we should play together, nor how often the rosy-fingered Dawn would surprise our still playing."

"Mr. Locock says that in 1882 Wainwright was decidedly his superior; but, after chess study in the Long Vacation of that year, he challenged him to a set match and defeated him by 7-0, with 1 draw - in consequence of which he was promoted to first board against Cambridge in 1883.

"It was my sad duty to write the obituary notice on G. E. Wainwright in the B.C.M. for October, 1933. I recorded there that he was born in Yorkshire on November 2nd, 1861."

File updated

Date Notes
26 March 2022 Original upload.
29 March 2022 Added the game J.Moultrie 0-1 F.M.Young, found in Chess Monthly
11 February 2025 Added the game E Kinder 0-1 F P Carr (rd 1, bd 1). Many thanks to Jason Radley for drawing my attention to it.
All material © 2025 John Saunders