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John Saunders - British Chess Game Archive

Hastings Premier PGN Game Downloads

Last Updated: Wednesday February 5, 2025 5:33 PM

The following is a collection of all games played in the Hastings Premier tournament (during the Hastings Xmas Congress) from its beginning in 1920/1 to the final all-play-all Premier in 2003/4 (games from subsequent knock-out/swiss events appear in the main body of Britbase). Because of the large number of games, they have been divided up into separate files for downloading purposes, corresponding to a decade.

PLEASE NOTE - I am no longer updating the zipped files shown in Table 1 as they are a chore to keep up-to-date and am in the process of creating individual files for each year of the Hastings Congress (which include more detail plus games from subsidiary sections). As I complete each decade, I will delete the zip file of games relating to that decade as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Zip Files of Hastings Premier Games, Decade by Decade

File Decade No. of Games Zip
Hastings 1 1920/21 to 1929/30 now available year by year
Hastings 2 1930/31 to 1939/40 now available year by year
Hastings 3 1945/46 to 1949/50 now available year by year
Hastings 4 1950/51 to 1959/60 now available year by year
Hastings 5 1960/61 to 1969/70 now available year by year
Hastings 6 1970/71 to 1979/80 1080 download zip
Hastings 7 1980/81 to 1989/90 834 download zip
Hastings 8 1990/91 to 1999/00 483 download zip
Hastings 9 2000/01 to 2003/04 180 download zip

Table 2: Hastings Congress Files, Year by Year (includes games from subsidiary sections)

No. Viewer Winner(s) Premier
Venue Link to PGN
1 1920/21 F Yates 10/12 Hastings CC
2 1921/22 B Kostich 16/28 Hastings Town Hall
3 1922/23 A Rubinstein 29/45 Hastings Town Hall
4 1923/24 M Euwe 45/45 Hastings Town Hall
5 1924/25 G Maroczy, S Tartakower 59/59 Hastings Town Hall
6 1925/26 A Alekhine, M Vidmar 27/45 Hastings Town Hall
7 1926/27 S Tartakower 45/45 Hastings Town Hall
8 1927/28 S Tartakower 20/45 Hastings Town Hall
9 1928/29 E Colle, F Marshall, A Takacs 45/45 Hastings Town Hall
10 1929/30 J Capablanca 25/45 Hastings Town Hall
11 1930/31 M Euwe 33/45 Waverley Hotel
12 1931/32 S Flohr 27/45 White Rock Pavilion
13 1932/33 S Flohr 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
14 1933/34 S Flohr 44/45 White Rock Pavilion
15 1934/35 G Thomas, M Euwe, S Flohr 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
16 1935/36 R Fine 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
17 1936/37 A Alekhine 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
18 1937/38 S Reshevsky 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
19 1938/39 L Szabo 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
20 1939/40 F Parr 10/28 White Rock Pavilion
21 1945/46 S Tartakower 66/66 White Rock Pavilion
22 1946/47 CHO'D Alexander 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
23 1947/48 L Szabo 22/45 White Rock Pavilion
24 1948/49 N Rossolimo 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
25 1949/50 L Szabo 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
26 1950/51 W Unzicker 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
27 1951/52 S Gligoric 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
28 1952/53 H Golombek, A Medina, J Penrose, DA Yanofsky 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
29 1953/54 CHO'D Alexander, D Bronstein 45/45 White Rock Pavilion
30 1954/55 P Keres, V Smyslov 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
31 1955/56 V Korchnoi, F Olafsson 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
32 1956/57 S Gligoric, B Larsen 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
33 1957/58 P Keres 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
34 1958/59 W Uhlmann 14+6/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
35 1959/60 S Gligoric 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
36 1960/61 S Gligoric 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
37 1961/62 M Botvinnik 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
38 1962/63 S Gligoric, A Kotov 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
39 1963/64 M Tal 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
40 1964/65 P Keres 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
41 1965/66 B Spassky, W Uhlmann 45/45 Sun Lounge, St Leonards
42 1966/67 M Botvinnik 45/45 Falaise Hall
43 1967/68 F Gheorghiu, V Hort, L Stein, A Suetin 45/45 Falaise Hall
44 1968/69 V Smyslov 66/66 Falaise Hall
45 1969/70 L Portisch 45/45 Falaise Hall
46 1970/71 L Portisch 45/45 Falaise Hall
47 1971/72 A Karpov, V Korchnoi 120/120 Falaise Hall
48 1972/73 B Larsen 120/120 Falaise Hall
49 1973/74 G Kuzmin, L Szabo, M Tal, J Timman 120/120 Falaise Hall
50 1974/75 V Hort 120/120 Falaise Hall
51 1975/76 D Bronstein, V Hort, W Uhlmann 120/120 White Rock Pavilion
52 1976/77 O Romanishin 105/105 White Rock Pavilion
53 1977/78 Roman Dzindzihashvili 105/105 White Rock Pavilion
54 1978/79 U Andersson 105/105 White Rock Pavilion
55 1979/80 U Andersson, J Nunn 120/120 White Rock Pavilion
56 1980/81 U Andersson 120/120 White Rock Pavilion
57 1981/82 V Kupreychik 91/91 White Rock Pavilion
58 1982/83 R Vaganian 91/91 White Rock Pavilion
59 1983/84 L Karlsson, J Speelman 91/91 White Rock Pavilion
60 1984/85 E Sveshnikov 91/91 Queen's Hotel
61 1985/86 M Petursson 91/91 Queen's Hotel
62 1986/87 M Chandler, B Larsen, S Lputian, J Speelman 91/91 Queen's Hotel
63 1987/88 N Short 56/56 Queen's Hotel
64 1988/89 N Short 51/51 Queen's Hotel
65 1989/90 S Dolmatov 56/56 Cinque Ports Hotel
66 1990/91 E Bareev 56/56 Cinque Ports Hotel
67 1991/92 E Bareev 56/56 Cinque Ports Hotel
68 1992/93 J Polgar, E Bareev 56/56 Cinque Ports Hotel
69 1993/94 J Nunn 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
70 1994/95 T Luther 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
71 1995/96 S Conquest, A Khalifman, B Lalic 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
72 1996/97 M Hebden, J Nunn, E Rozentalis 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
73 1997/98 M Sadler 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
74 1998/99 I Sokolov 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
75 1999/00 E Sutovsky 45/45 Cinque Ports Hotel
76 2000/01 S Conquest, K Sasikiran 45/45 Horntye Park
77 2001/02 A Barsov, P Harikrishna, K Sasikiran 45/45 Horntye Park
78 2002/03 P H Nielsen 45/45 Horntye Park
79 2003/04 V Kotronias, J Rowson 45/45 Horntye Park
80 2004/05 V Belov ko/open Horntye Park
81 2005/06 Y Neverov open Horntye Park
82 2006/07 M Gagunashvili, Y Neverov open Horntye Park
83 2007/08 V Malakhatko, N Mamedov, V Neverov open Horntye Park
84 2008/09 I Kurnosov open Horntye Park
85 2009/10 A Istratescu, D Howell, R Edouard, M Hebden open Horntye Park
86 2010/11 A Das, D Sengupta open Horntye Park
87 2011/12 Wang Yue open Horntye Park
88 2012/13 G Jones open Horntye Park
89 2013/14 Qun Ma, M Mchedlishvili, I Khenkin, J Vakhidov, J Sarkar, M Hebden, J Radovanovic open Horntye Park
90 2014/15 Zhao Jun open Horntye Park
91 2015/16 Jahongir Vakhidov, Aleksander Mista open Horntye Park
92 2016/17 D Sengupta open Horntye Park
93 2017/18 Lou Kiping, D Sengupta open Horntye Park
94 2018/19 D Gormally, M Petrov, O Korneev, C Murphy, A Cherniaev, S Sulskis open Horntye Park
95 2019/20 Magesh Chandran Panchanathan open Horntye Park
  2020/21 not held    
  2021/22 not held    
96 2022/23 Sarunas Sulskis open Horntye Park
97 2023/24 Abhijeet Gupta open Horntye Park
98 2024/25 Haowen Xue open Horntye Park

Note that this does not include the famous Hastings tournament of 1895 which is not considered to be part of this series, nor one or two other competitions which have been played in Hastings from time to time. Note also that there were no tournaments played between 1940/1 and 1944/5 inclusively. There were 20 pre-war Hastings Congresses from 1920/1 to 1939/40 inclusive, and 59 congresses between 1945/6 and 2003/04, making 79 premier tournaments in all. The congress still continues, but without an all-play-all Premier, and not all games are recorded. Official Hastings Congress website: and prior to that

Unfortunately, though the files contain a game entry and result for every game played in the competition, there are still many missing and incomplete game scores. Player names and game results have been thoroughly cross-checked against printed sources and a great many corrections and additions made to results and scores as published in ChessBase's Mega Database. This will enable you to compile accurate crosstables and statistics via standard ChessBase functions.

2003/04 was the last all-play-all Hastings Premier for which all games were recorded.

Venues of Hastings Congresses*

1920 - Hastings Chess Club
1921-29 -  Hastings Town Hall
1930 - Waverley Hotel
1931-53 - White Rock Pavilion
1954-65 - Sun Lounge, St Leonards-on-Sea
1966-74 - Falaise Hall, White Rock Gardens
1975-89 - White Rock Pavilion
1989-2000 - Cinque Ports Hotel
2000-present - Horntye Park

Missing and Incomplete Game Scores

Tournaments from 1959/60 onwards are complete. However there are significant gaps before this time. Numbers of missing/incomplete games scores are shown in brackets: 1920/1 (2), 1922/3 (16), 1925/6 (18), 1927/8 (15), 1929/30 (20), 1930/1 (12), 1931/2 (18), 1933/4 (1), 1939/40 (19), 1947/8 (32), 1958/9 (25). Anyone who can help with finding these missing scores, or who identify any inaccuracies in the downloads, should contact John Saunders via email.

File Updated
Date Notes
19 September 2003 Added Mackenzie-Morry (1939/40): many thanks to Brian Denman for suppyling the score;
10 October 2003 1948/9 games amended to show W Arthur Winser rather than William Winter. Name change passim to Victor Buerger. Also notes added to Norman/Tartakower from the 1924-25 Hastings, and Michell/Menchik from Hastings 1931-32.
16 November 2003 Winser-Horne Hastings Premier 1949/50 Black's 14...Rb8 amended to 14..Re8 as suggested by Brian Denman. Also, Winser-Barda, Hastings Premier 1949/50 - Black lost on time. My thanks to Brian Denman.
19 April 2004 Many thanks to Bernard Cafferty who has loaned me the published bulletin of Hastings 1952/3 which had all the games of the Premier. This was one of three missing post-war Hastings Premiers, so that only leaves 1947/48 and 1958/59 still to find (can anyone help?). As well as the 29 missing games from 1952/3, I discovered a number of discrepancies in the other 26 games, so you would be well advised to overwrite your database with the new file.
11 May 2004 Many thanks to Andy Ansel who has found four of the missing 1947/8 games. I've added another from the same tournament which appeared in BCM in 1948.
23 July 2006 Updated to show round numbers for the 1988/89 tournament.
4 December 2007 DGT viewer added, files divided into decades. The game Smejkal-Clarke (1968/69) corrected to show Smejkal winning with White (some sources have him winning with Black). My thanks to John Blackstone for pointing this out.
26 October 2013 Java viewers have been removed as these are incompatible with modern browsers. These will be eventually be replaced with more modern game viewers.



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