BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive
Event: (unofficial) Varsity Match • Venue: [unknown] • Date: [day ? month ?] 1942 • last edited:
Monday March 18, 2024 11:34 AM
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This unofficial Varsity Chess Match between Oxford University and Cambridge University was held in [not known] on [day?] [month?] 1942. Two game scores from this match are available (one is a part-game).
1939 (Official) 1941 (Unofficial)« 1942 (Unofficial) Varsity Chess Match »1944 (Unofficial) 1946 (Official) | ||||
Bd | Oxford University | 1942 | Cambridge University | Opening |
1w | John Warcup Cornforth (St Catherine's) | 1-0 | John Edward Richardson (Jesus) | |
2b | Hans Georg Artur Viktor Schenk (Exeter) | 1-0 | Stanley Norman Collings (Emmanuel) | Slav, 29 |
3w | Leonard Judah Richenberg (Corpus Christi) | 1-0 | Edward Granville Broadbent (St Catharine's) | |
4b | Peter Fairbairn Copping (St Catherine's) | 1-0 | Wilfred Walker (Christ's) | |
5w | Richard Shermer Lankester (Jesus) | 0-1 | John Harley-Mason (Corpus Christi) | |
6b | David Le Brun Jones (Trinity) | ½-½ | Eric Foster (St John's) | |
7w | Laurence Jonathan Cohen (Balliol) | 0-1 | John Ogden Outwater (Trinity) | |
4½-2½ |
Sources: Oxford-Cambridge Chess Matches (1873-1987), compiled by Jeremy Gaige, Philadelphia 1987; BCM, May 1942, p108; CHESS, May 1942, p123.
Venue: not known. Oxford were white on the odd boards.