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John Saunders


BRITBASE - British Chess Game Archive

Tournament: 50th British Chess Championship • all 154 Championship games, plus 82 games from subsidiary events
Venue: Assembly Rooms, Bath • Dates: 12-23 August 1963 • Download PGN • Last Edited: Friday 31 January, 2025 5:54 PM

1963 British Chess Championship, Bath, 12-23 August 1962« »1964

1963 British
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Jonathan Penrose London N10 w21+ b12+ w2+ b5= w6= b3+ w22+ b10= w19+ b4= b7=
2 Norman Littlewood Sheffield w14+ b15+ b1- w13+ b11+ w6+ b19= w3- b7+ b8+ w4= 8
3 Michael J Franklin London SW16 w28+ b8= w19+ b6= w5+ w1- b4= b2+ w10= b13+ w9=
4 Owen Mark Hindle Norwich w18= b20+ w12= b8= w9= b10= w3= b22+ w14+ w1= b2= 7
5 John Eric Littlewood Skegness b26+ w22= b16+ w1= b3- w7- b6= w11+ b9= w19+ b10+ 7
6 Peter Hugh Clarke Woodford Green w17+ b13+ w8= w3= b1= b2- w5= b9= w21+ b10= w11=
7 Dr. Stefan Fazekas Buckhurst Hill w13- b21+ w9= b10= w14= b5+ w8+ b19= w2- b16+ w1=
8 Michael John Haygarth Leeds b24+ w3= b6= w4= b22= w11= b7- w12+ b20+ w2- b19+
9 Bernard Cafferty Smethwick b19- w27+ b7= w16+ b4= w20= b11= w6= w5= b14+ b3=
10 Adrian Swayne Hollis London W8 b22- w23+ b15= w7= b13+ w4= b20+ w1= b3= w6= w5- 6
11 Frank Parr Sutton w27+ b19= w22+ b14= w2- b8= w9= b5- b15= w23+ b6= 6
12 David Brine Pritchard Godalming b23+ w1- b4= w19- b15- w27+ w21+ b8- b16= w26+ w20+ 6
13 Clifford George Hilton Manchester b7+ w6- b25+ b2- w10- w23+ b16+ b14- w22+ w3- b17=
14 Timothy Martin Wheatcroft London W10 b2- w24+ b28+ w11= b7= w19- b18+ w13+ b4- w9- b15=
15 John A Lawrence Birmingham b25+ w2- w10= b20- w12+ b18- w17= b23= w11= b28+ w14=
16 Malcolm Firth Chadderton w20= b18+ w5- b9- w17= b28+ w13- b26+ w12= w7- b24+
17 John Anthony Sutton Stafford b6- w25- b27- w26+ b16= w24+ b15= w20= b23= b22+ w13=
18 Gerald Abrahams Liverpool b4= w16- w20- b24= b25+ w15+ w14- b21- w26= b27+ b28+
19 (Philip) Stuart Milner-Barry London SE3 w9+ w11= b3- b12+ w20= b14+ w2= w7= b1- b5- w8- 5
20 Alfred William Bowen Orpington b16= w4- b18+ w15+ b19= b9= w10- b17= w8- w25+ b12- 5
21 David G Levens East Leake b1- w7- b26+ w25+ b23+ w22- b12- w18+ b6- w24- b27=
22 Michael J Freeman Whitecraig w10+ b5= b11- w28+ w8= b21+ b1- w4- b13- w17- b26- 4
23 David Graham Wells Bristol w12- b10- b24+ w27+ w21- b13- b28+ w15= w17= b11- b25- 4
24 Philip E Walker Beaconsfield w8- b14- w23- w18= b26+ b17- w25= b27+ w28- b21+ w16- 4
25 Andrew Rowland B Thomas Tiverton w15- b17+ w13- b21- w18- b26- b24= w28+ w27= b20- w23+ 4
26 Fred Clough Lydbrook w5- b28- w21- b17- w24- w25+ b27= w16- b18= b12- w22+ 3
27 H[arry?] W Richardson1 Tynemouth b11- b9- w17+ b23- w28= b12- w26= w24- b25= w18- w21= 3
28 Otto Henry Hardy Loughborough b3- w26+ w14- b22- b27= w16- w23- b25- b24+ w15- w18-

1 Tentative identification: full name Harry Ward Richardson - of Dewsbury, when he played in the 1956 British Under-18 Championship, then of Tynemouth and King's College, Newcastle. Later lived in Aberdeen (possibly an economics lecturer at the university), later still a professor in the USA. But all this is still unconfirmed.

1963 British Ladies Chess Championship, Bath 1962« »1964

1963 British Ladies' Championship Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  Total 
 1  Mrs Rowena Mary Bruce Plymouth
½ 1 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 7
2 Capt. (Patricia) Anne Sunnucks London SE18 ½
½ 1 ½ ½ 1 1 1 6
3 Mrs Elaine Pritchard Godalming 0 ½
1 1 0 ½ 1 1 5
4 Mrs Margaret Eileen Elizabeth Clarke Woodford Green ½ 0 0
1 1 ½ 1 1 5
5 Mrs Margaret Penrose London N10 0 ½ 0 0
½ 1 1 1 4
6 Miss Mary A E A Henniker-Heaton London W8 0 ½ 1 0 ½
0 1 0 3
7 Miss Margaret Eleanor Lander Gillingham, Dorset 0 0 ½ ½ 0 1
0 ½
8 Miss Leah Margaret Hogarth Glasgow 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 2
9 Miss Sheila A Corbyn Birmingham 0 0 0 0 0 1 ½ 0

1963 BCF Major Open

1963 BCF Major Open Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 (William) Arthur Winser1 Hastings 18+ 7= 2= 13+ 3= 14= 6+ 4+ 5= 10= 8+ 8
2 David Lees Liverpool 12+ 9= 1= 10+ 19+ 4= 14+ 3= 7+ b5- 6+ 8
3 Keith R Ingram Birmingham 21+ 6+ 20+ 4- 1= 10- 15+ 2= 14+ 8= 5+
4 Ronald Thomas   11= 16+ 9+ 3+ 6+ 2= 23= 1- 8- 7= 15+ 7
5 John L Seppings York 6- 22= w11+ 9+ 14- 19+ 13+ 10+ 1= w2+ 3- 7
6 Leslie R Kirkcaldy Wallasey 5+ 3- 17+ 20+ 4- 12+ 1- 14= 13+ 11+ 2-
7 Harry Gethin Thorp Matchett Bexhill 19+ 1= 13- 8= b15- 23+ w17+ 11+ 2- 4= 10+
8 Philip Edward Collier Leicester 24+ 20- 23= 7= 12= 11- 22+ 15+ 4+ 3= 1- 6
9 Percy Baldwin Cook London SW15 w15+ 2= 4- 5- 18+ 16+ 11- 12+ 10- 24= 14+ 6
10 Sijbolt Jan Noorda Netherlands 23= 14= 15+ 2- b21+ 3+ 4= 5- 9+ 1= 7- 6
11 Maximilian Ernst Poolake Bristol 4= 17= b5- 15- 22+ 8+ 9+ 7- 18+ 6- 12+ 6
12 (Derek) George Ellison Bolton 2- 21= 16= 17+ 8= 6- 19+ 3- 22+ 9+ 11- 6
13 Dick C van Enk Netherlands 17= 23= 7+ 1- 20+ 15= 5- 16+ 6- 12- 24+
14 Arthur Hall Hastings 16= 10= 19= w21+ 5+ 1= 2- 6= 3- 18+ 9-
15 R Jessop Hornchurch b9- w24+ 10- 11+ w7+ 13= 3- 8- 20+ 16+ 4-
16 Robert P Ross Hull 14= 4- 12= 18= 23+ 9- 21+ 13- 17+ 15- 20+
17 Wilfred Evans Chorleywood 13= 11= 6- 12- 24+ 20+ b7- 19+ 16- 21- 22+ 5
18 Charles Reuben Gurnhill Sheffield 1- 19- 24+ 16= 9- 22- 20+ 21+ 11- 14- 23+
19 Bertram Goulding Brown Cambridge 7- 18+ 14= 23+ 2- 5- 12- 19- 24= 22- 21+ 4
20 Peter Eric Whitehead Plymouth w22+ 2+ 3- 6- 13- 17- 18- 24+ 15- 23+ 16- 4
21 Gordon R Evans Newbury 3- 12= 22+ b14- w10- 24+ 16- 18- 23= 17+ 19- 4
22 (Sydney) Hugh Brocklesby Bath b20- 5= 20- 19- 11- 18+ 8- 23+ 12- 19+ 16-
23 William Souter Mackie South Africa 10= 13= 8= 19- 16- 7- 24= 22- 21= 20- 18-
24 G P Webb Leicester 8- b15- 18- 22+ 17- 21- 23= 20- 19= 9= 13-

1 Winser qualified for the next British Championship by superior sum of opponents’ scores.


The entry for the junior tournaments was 138, as opposed to 148 last year, but they were rather differently distributed in the boys’ sections because of changes in the lower age-groupings, which brought in Under-sixteen and Under-fourteen sections instead of the single previous Under-fifteen tournament. The effect was to decant a number from the British Boys’ Championship which had only fifty-eight competitors as against some ninety last time. The sectional qualifying events were also omitted and the usual all-in Swiss events took place with additional rounds, where required.

Play in all the junior sections reached a high standard, particularly in the Boys’ Championship which was a thirteen-round struggle of great intensity. Indeed such is the effort which these boys put into their play that some of them, not surprisingly found the task of playing two rounds in one day had an adverse effect on their form.

The Under-sixteen section, with forty-three competitors, clearly helped to relieve the congestion in the Boys’ Championship and the new Under-fourteen event did well to attract thirty players at the first time of asking.

The entry for the Under-twenty-one Championship attracted the same number as in 1962, but it was not, perhaps, quite so strong. The performance of M. J. Basman, who was still young enough for the Boys’ Championship, was very noteworthy. He is a player of great promise and had just previously performed well in the Northern Open Championship at Whitby.

1963 British Junior (Under 21) Chess Championship

1963 British Under 21
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Michael J Basman Claygate w15- 21+ 10= 9+ 20+ 7+ b2+ 12+ w4+ 3= 6- 8
2 Ronald A Harris Croydon 3+ b8+ 18+ 20+ 7= 4+ w1- 6+ 12+ 9= 5- 8
3 Harry Lamb Bolton 2- 25+ 11+ 14+ 4- 15= 18+ 7+ 20+ 1= 9=
4 David J Masters Kingston Hill 10+ w7- 19+ w15+ 3+ 2- 12= 5+ b1- 20+ 18+
5 Richard G Jones Aberdare 18- 10- 24+ w22+ 19= 14+ 23+ 4- 6= 7+ 2+ 7
6 John N Walker Oxford 9= 17+ 15= 18= 13= 23+ 20= 2- 5= 12+ 1+ 7
7 Michael Alcock Durham 24+ b4+ 23= 12+ 2= 1- 13+ 3- 9+ 5- 10=
8 G H Davies Merthyr Tydfil 16+ w2- 13- 11= 17= 9- 25+ 18+ 15= 23= 20+ 6
9 James E Scholes Sheffield 6= b20- 16= 1- 22+ 8+ w15+ 14+ 7- 2= 3= 6
10 Michael J Conroy1 Wennington 4- 5+ 1= 16= 14= 18- w21+ 20- bye+ 15= 7=
11 George V Guy Cheltenham 19- 22+ 3- 8= 23- b25- bye+ 21= 24+ 17+ 14=
12 Peter R Hindley Esher 21+ 14+ 20= 7- 18+ 13+ 4= 1- 2- 6- 15=
13 Clive H Pemberton Ilford w20- 24+ 8+ 23+ 6= 12- 7- 15= 22= 14= 16=
14 Robin A E Shaw Grays b25+ 12- 17+ 3- 10= 5- 24+ 9- 19+ 13= 11=
15 Norman B Stockman Hove b1+ 23= 6= b4- 16+ 3= b9- 13= 8= 10= 12=
16 C Boss Pilgrim's Hatch 8- bye+ 9= 10= 15- 24= 19= 22= 18= 21= 13= 5
17 Ian P Eustis Chalfont St Giles def+ 6- 14- 24- 8= 21= 22- bye+ 25+ 11- 23+ 5
18 Richard P Lorch Gravesend 5+ 19+ 2- 6= 12- 10+ 3- 8- 16= 25+ 4- 5
19 Richard W O'Brien Ilford 11+ 18- 4- 25+ 5= 20- 16= 23= 14- 22+ 21= 5
20 Andrew Toothill Bradford b13+ w9+ 12= 2- 1- 19+ 6= 10+ 3- 4- 8- 5
21 Norman J Davies Merthyr Tydfil 12- 1- 22- bye+ 25+ 17= b10- 11= 23= 16= 19=
22 Roy Julian York 23- 11- 21+ b5- 9- bye+ 17+ 16= 13= 19- 25=
23 Stephen John Ridout Sevenoaks 22+ 15= 7= 13- 11+ 6- 5- 19= 21= 8= 17-
24 David J Strode Smethwick 7- 13- 5- 17+ bye+ 16= 14- 25= 11- w/d 3 / 9
25 Colin Waring2 Manchester w14- 3- bye+ 19- 21- w11+ 8- 24= 17- 18- 22= 3

1 in BCM, October 1963, p305, listed as scoring 5/11 but 5½/11 in the 1963/64 BCF Yearbook, which appears to be correct.
2 Colin Waring, born 2nd qtr of 1942, Manchester, died 30 October 1964, Oldham. He was joint winner of the 1957 British Boys' Under-15 Championship. He had attended Hulme Grammar School and in 1955 there was a newspaper report (Manchester Evening News - Wednesday 09 November 1955, p7) of him collapsing on a bus and being taken to hospital. "... died on 30 October 1964 at the age of twenty-two. He had shared the British Under-15 Championship at Plymouth in 1957, but had been in poor health for some years. He had also been a member of Manchester Chess Club." (Chess and Manchester, Publ. MDCA, 1990, p175)

1963 British Boys’ (Under-18) Championship

1963 British Under-18
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13  Total 
1 Peter McKeich Jamieson Scotland 27+ 39+ 8+ 4- 20= 25+ b12+ w7+ 9+ 16= 5= 6+ 3-
2 Philip Almond   55+ 9= 11- 47+ 18+ 13= 42+ b5- 8+ 45+ 4= 16= 6+ 9
3 Peter Charles Griffiths   53+ 16= b20- 24+ 19= 50+ 7- 25+ 15- 28+ w17+ 9+ 1+ 9
4 William Roland Hartston London 50+ w23+ 46+ 1+ 5= 9= 6= 16- 12+ 7= 2= 20= 8+ 9
5 Kenneth B McAlpine Scotland 15= 29+ w18+ 42+ 4= b6- 21+ w2+ b16= 9+ 1= 8- 20+ 9
6 Bernard Kooiman   13- 49+ 51+ 14+ 8+ w5+ 4= 9- 45+ 15+ w16+ 1- 2-
7 David Neil Laurence Levy   54= 10= w15+ 13= 32+ 42= 3+ b1- 34+ 4= 9= 21= 16+
8 Andrew John Whiteley   40+ 26+ 1- 45+ 6- 11= 10+ 21+ 2- 12+ b13+ 5+ 4-
9 John D L Ball   58+ 2= b17+ 16+ b12+ 4= 20+ 6+ 1- 5- 7= 3- 14= 8
10 Leon P Burnett   42= 7= 34- 29+ w28+ 22= 8- 14= b37+ 23+ 11= 19= 24+ 8
11 Graham Chesters, jnr Crewe 38+ 17= 2+ 12- 16= 8= 25= 19= 21+ 20= 10= 14= 31+ 8
12 Michael V Lambshire   24= 31+ w53+ 11+ w9- 48+ w1- 17+ 4- 8- 22+ 15+ 21= 8
13 Alexander Munro Davie Scotland 6+ w46- 23+ 7= 17+ 2= 16- 15- 48+ 34+ w8- 25+ 19=
14 Terence C Fox   w32= 54+ 48= 6- 45- 46+ 40= 10= 22= 26+ 29+ 11= 9=
15 Richard V M Hall   5= 21= b7- 51+ 43+ 16- 50+ 13+ 3+ 6- 19= 12- 33+
16 Victor W Knox Cheshire 36+ 3= 22+ 9- 11= 15+ 13+ 4+ w5= 1= b6- 2= 7-
17 J R Mitchell   28+ 11= w9- 55+ 13- 18+ b39+ 12- 19= 32+ b3- 33= 34+
18 Jonathan N Wingfield   33+ 45+ b5- 38= 2- 17- 37= 47= 39+ 25= b32+ 34= w29+
19 R C Vaughan   22- 55= 49+ 30+ 3= 45= 34= 11= 17= 33+ 15= 10= 13=
20 Christopher Waites   43+ 47= w3+ 25= 1= 34+ 9- b45- w23+ 11= 24+ 4= 5-
21 Andrew L Wernick   30= 15= 28+ 46+ 34= 39+ 5- 8- 11- 40+ 45+ 7= 12=
22 Peter W Murphy   19+ 25= 16- 32- 55+ 10= 26- 27+ 14= 47= 12- 46+ 38+ 7
23 Daniel L Roth   41+ b4- 13- 54+ 40= 32+ 24= 26+ b20- 10- b33- 36+ 37+ 7
24 D P Thompson   12= 27+ 55- 3- 47= 43+ 23= 29+ 32= 50+ 20- 30+ 10- 7
25 Brian L Cartwright Wirral 49+ 22= 47+ 20= 39= 1- 11= 3- 40= 18= 50+ 13- 26=
26 E Davis   35+ 8- 39- 36= 30+ 40= 22+ 23- 33= 14- 46= 50+ 25=
27 Paul F Habershon   1- 24- 54= 28- 41+ 49+ 51= 22- w43+ 31- 48+ 32= 45+
28 Alan Heaton   17- 33+ 21- 27+ b10- 37= 53+ 38+ 36= 3- 34- 47= 42+
29 Barry Hopewell   34= 5- 52= 10- 35= 55+ 44+ 24- 38+ 46+ 14- 42+ b18-
30 Roger Keely   21= 52+ b42- 19- 26- 35- 55+ 53+ 46- 56+ 43+ 24- 39+
31 Michael A Levene Bradford 52= 12- 32- 44= 33- 57+ 46= 35+ 47= 27+ 42= b45+ 11-
32 Stephen Macdonald-Ross   b14= 42- 31+ 22+ 7- 23- 35+ 39+ 24= 17- w18- 27= 47+
33 G Phillips   18- 28- 57+ 40- 31+ 56+ 48= 36+ 26= 19- w23+ 17= 15-
34 Terence Audley K Thomson   29= 48= 10+ 56+ 21= 20- 19= w42+ 7- 13- 28+ 18= 17-
35 P Dean   26- 43= 56- 49= 29= 30+ 32- 31- 41+ b44= 39= 53= 51+ 6
36 B A Lewis   16- 44+ 38- 26= 37= 53= 56+ 33- 28= 51= 40= 23- 50+ 6
37 Derek R Markham   48- 56- 43= 41+ 36= 28= 18= 51+ w10- 39= 38= 40+ 23- 6
38 W Smith   11- 40+ 36+ 18= 42- 47+ 45- 28- 29- 53+ 37= 51+ 22- 6
39 P Blackman   56+ 1- 26+ 48+ 25= 21- w17- 32- 18- 37= 35= 44+ 30-
40 David Blake Crewe 8- 38- 58+ 33+ 23= 26= 14= 48= 25= 21- 36= 37- 46=
41 D Crook Wirral 23- 53- b44= 37- 27- 58+ 52= 56= 35- 57+ 55= 43= 54+
42 Anthony M M Hurman   10= 32+ w30+ 5- 38+ 7= 2- b34- 50- 48+ 31= 29- 28-
43 C Needham   20- 35= 37= 52+ 15- 24- 47- 44+ b27- 49+ 30- 41= 53+
44 Anthony I Ogus   47- 36- w41= 31= 51= 54+ 29- 43- 49= w35= 57+ 39- 58+
45 David Parr   51+ 18- 50+ 8- 14+ 19= 38+ w20+ 6- 1- 21- w31- 27-
46 G L Porter   57+ b13+ 4- 21- 48- 14- 31= 49+ 30+ 29- 26= 22- 40=
47 Michael N Walsh Crewe 44+ 20= 25- 2- 24= 37- 43+ 18= 31= 22= 51= 28= 32-
48 Thomas Bimpson Weaverham 37+ 34= 14= 39- 46+ 12- 33= 40= 13- 42- 27- 58= 52= 5
49 J C Hull   25- 6- 19- 35= b58+ 27- 57+ 46- 44= 43- w54= 52= 55+ 5
50 A F Morgan   4- 57+ 45- 53+ 56+ 3- 15- 54+ 42+ 24- 25- 26- 36- 5
51 B Wood   45- w58+ 6- 15- 44= 52+ 27= 37- 55+ 36= 47= 38- 35- 5
52 A G Hughes   31= 30- 29= 43- 54= 51- 41= 57= 56- 58= 53= 49= 48=
53 M J Smith   3- 41+ b12- 50- w57+ 36= 28- 30- 58+ 38- 52= 35= 43-
54 Geoffrey Tyrrell   7= 14- 27= 23- 52= 44- 58+ 50- 57= w55- b49= 56+ 41-
55 Charles N Prince   2- 19= 24+ 17- 22- 29- 30- b58+ 51- b54+ 41= 57- 49- 4
56 J Whelan   39- 37+ 35+ 34- 50- 33- 36- 41= 52+ 30- 58= 54- 57- 4
57 P H Poole   46- 50- 33- w58= b53- 31- 49- 52= 54= 41- 44- 55+ 56+
58 D H Young   9- b51- 40- b57= w49- 41- 54- w55- 53- 52= 56= 48= 44- 2

n.b. the above table (as with most others on this page) taken from the 1963-64 BCF Yearbook. It appeared in alphabetical order, surnames only, with no place of residence and with numerous errors. I have attempted to resolve errors and supplemented initials/forenames from BCM but errors may remain. One such is the game PH Poole v DH Young, rd 4, given as a draw in the yearbook but a score exists with Poole winning. JS

1963 British Boys’ (Under-16) Championship

1963 British Under-16
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Nicholas J Patterson London SW19 3+ 21= 18+ 13+ 4+ 14= 15+ 19+ 2- 5+ 9+ 12=
2 Brian R Smith Stockton-on-Tees 40+ 7- 35+ 17+ 8= 28+ 14+ 4+ 1+ 3= 5- 19+ 9
3 Alan R Prince Liverpool 1- 40+ 15= 29+ 17+ 10- 6+ w14+ 7+ 2= 4+ 5=
4 Paul Stephen Nicholas Kendall Nantwich 11+ 6+ 19+ 27+ 1- 7+ 5+ 2- 9= 15+ 3- 14= 8
5 David Kay Openshaw Nelson 12+ 33+ 13= 20+ 7= 9+ 4- 16+ 15= 1- 2+ 3= 8
6 David A Floyer Brentwood 42+ 4- 33+ 10= 27+ 15- 3- 11= 28= 34+ b16+ 17+
7 Peter J D T Chapman Derby 17+ 2+ 9+ 21= 5= 4- 16= 18+ 3- 19= 14= 8= 7
8 Raymond A Collett Cheltenham b28+ 16= 21- 18+ 2= 30= 22= 17+ 14- 27+ 19= 7= 7
9 Stephen R Curry Pinner 34+ 37+ 7- 16+ 19+ 5- 10= 13+ 4= 21= 1- 15= 7
10 Roger de Lacy Holmes Huddersfield 35+ w18= 16= 6= 25= 3+ 9= 15- 13+ 14= 17= 11= 7
11 A J Hughes Cardiff 4- 31= 29- 12- 41+ 23+ 33+ 6= 25+ 30= 18+ 10= 7
12 Peter Parr Sutton 5- 23= b28- 11+ 38+ 18- 31= 36+ 26+ 16= 30+ 1= 7
13 David J Sully Cardiff b26+ 22+ 5= 1- 15- 25+ 28+ 9- 10- 23+ 32= 21+ 7
14 Marcus Walsh Leeds 30+ 36+ 27- 34+ 21+ 1= 2- b3- 8+ 10= 7= 4= 7
15 C/G A Young Bristol 18- 38+ 3= 24+ 13+ 6+ 1- 10+ 5= 4- 21= 9= 7
16 T D Hughes Liverpool 41+ 8= 10= 9- 36+ 32+ 7= 5- 30= 16= w6- 34+
17 J Leeson Bristol 7- 26+ 30+ 2- 3- 20+ 34+ 8- 18+ 32+ 10= 6-
18 Peter R Morriss1 London SE24 15+ b10= 1- 8- 35+ 12+ 26+ 7- 17- 22+ 11- 32+
19 David Oakes Wilmslow 39+ 20+ 4- 37+ 9- 27+ 30+ 1- 21= 7= 8= 2-
20 John G W Rose2 Bristol 43+ 19- 36+ 5- 32- 17- 29= 40+ 24= 25+ 26= 30+
21 Paul F Timson Harrow 38+ 1= 8+ 7= 14- 26- 27+ 22+ 19= 9= 15= 13-
22 M J Edwards Heswall 31+ 13- 34- 38= 24+ 33+ 8= 21- 32- 18- 39+ bye+ 6
23 Brian G E Gosling Clevedon 33- 12= 37+ 40+ 28- 11- 32+ 34= 27= 13- 36= 39+ 6
24 Nicholas J D Jacobs Newcastle 25- 42= 31+ 15- 22- 29- bye+ 38+ 20= 26- 35+ 36+ 6
25 R Kendall Bristol 24+ 27- 39+ 28- 10= 13- 35+ 26= 11- 20- 41+ 33+ 6
26 David K Lawton Rotherham w13- 17- 40+ 35= 29+ 21+ 18- 25= 12- 24+ 20= 28= 6
27 P T Lee Birmingham 32+ 25+ 14+ 4- 6- 19- 21- 39+ 23= 8- 34= 41+d 6
28 Roger H Nathan Surbiton w8- 29= w12+ 25+ 23+ 2- 13- 30- 6= 36= 37+ 26= 6
29 J M Brown Glasgow b36- 28= 11+ 3- 26- 24+ 20= 32- 35= 40= bye+ 31=
30 R J Lee2 Abingdon 14- 32+ 17- 33+ 34+ 8= 19- 28+ 16= 11= 12- 20-
31 Michael Philip James Potter Swansea 22- 11= 24- 32- 37+ 38= 12= 35+ 34- 41+ 33= 29=
32 Thomas Eric Tausz London N6 27- 30- bye+ 31+ 20+ 16- 23- 29+ 22+ 17- 13= 18-
33 Michael D Boreham Cheltenham 23+ 5- 6- 30- 39+ 22- 11- bye+ 37= 38+ 31= 25- 5
34 Michael M Daube Oxford 9- bye+ 22+ 14- 30- 36+ 17- 23= 31+ 6- 27= 16- 5
35 R Holroyd Marlborough 10- 43+ 2- 26= 18- 41+ 25- 31- 29= bye+ 24- 40+d 5
36 Howard R D Richter Solihull w29+ 14- 20- 39+ 16- 34- 37+ 12- 41+ 28= 23= 24- 5
37 Allan J Nelder Weston-super-Mare bye+ 9- 23- 19- 31- 40+ 36- 41+ 33= 39+ 28- 38-
38 Valentine J E Rideout Kingston Seymour 21- 15- 41+ 22= 12- 31= 39= 24- bye+ 33- 40- 37+
39 J G/C Morgan Gorseinon 19- 41+ 25- 36- 33- bye+ 38= 27- 40= 37- 22- 23- 3
40 D/G Steadman Horncastle 2- 3- 26- 23- bye+ 37- 41d 20- 39= 29= 38+ 35-d 3
41 V Burnett Wragby 16- 39- 38- bye+ 11- 35- 40d 37- 36- 31- 25- 27-d 1
42 R Middleton Great Yarmouth 6- 24= withdrawn ½ / 2
43 D Hansen Great Yarmouth 20- 35- withdrawn 0 / 2

Compiled from the table given on ppn 87-88 of the 1963/64 BCF Yearbook (which features a great many typos amongst the names and the results) and the final scores given on p305 of BCM, October 1963 (with fewer typos). Where I'm not quite sure of the resolution of pairing errors, I have put the pairings in red.
1 BCM gives this player's name as P. R. Morris but I think it is the Dulwich College and Glorney Cup player Peter R Morriss (born 1947, now of Galway and Ireland - note, double 's'). I can see that I have previously confused him with the player called P. L. Morris who played in the 1967 British Under-16. Apologies for the mix-up.
2 In the BCF Yearbook table J G W Rose is credited with 6½ and R J Lee with 5½ whereas in the BCM results it is the other way round. They met in the last round so we can perhaps speculate that this game was the subject of a long-drawn-out appeal process. I presume that preparation of the yearbook took place some considerable time after the results were reported in BCM.

1963 British Boys’ (Under-14) Championship

1963 British Under-14
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 Terence D Baldwin London SW16 14= 7+ 18+ 2+ 6= 3+ 9+ 5+ 10- 13+ 4=
2 S L Thompson Hayes 28+ 19+ 4= 1- 14+ 18= 3+ 6+ 13- w9+ 10+ 8
3 Louis de Veauce Englefield Green 17+ 6- 27+ 4+ 22+ 1- 2- 12+ 5+ 10+ 13+ 8
4 P Chubb Hayes 8+ w16+ 2= 3- 25+ 12= b11+ 10- 6= 21+ 1= 7
5 Ivor Adrian Friedlander London E4 9+ 10+ 22- 25= 18= 15+ 6+ 1- 3- 11+ 17+ 7
6 Terance W Hart London SW16 13+ 3+ b15+ 22+ 1= 11+ 5- 2- 4= 12+ 7- 7
7 Andrew M Walker Huddersfield 15- 1- 30+ 13- 28+ 23+ 19= 16+ 21= 14+ 6+ 7
8 Jonathan I Century London N16 4- 11- 9- 28= bye+ 29+ 26+ 15= 14= 16+ 18+
9 David J Renehan Halifax 5- 13- 8+ 29+ 23+ 22+ 1- 18= 25+ b2- 21+
10 Paul D Venn Wallasey 27+ 5- 12= 18- 24+ 21+ 16+ 4+ 1+ 3- 2-
11 R Hedges Bristol 26-d 8+ 21+ 16+ 15+ 6- w4- 14= 18= 5- 22+ 6
12 Stephen J Povall Wirral 16- 28+ 10= 21= 13+ 4= 18= 3- 15+ 6- 19+ 6
13 John H Stocker Wallasey 6- 9+ 25- 7+ 12- 27+ 20+ 19+ 2+ 1- 3- 6
14 C Davy Derby 1= 21- 17+ 26+ 2- 16- b27+ 11= 8= 7- 25+
15 J D Foster Oxford 7+ 29+ w6- 19+ 11- 5- 22= 8= 12- 25= 23+
16 Brian Jennings London N6 12+ b4- 29+ 11- 19= 14+ 10- 7- 26+ 8- 27+
17 Adrian P Kendry Swindon 3- 20= 14- 30+ 21= 26= 25= 24+ 19+ 18= 5-
18 Julian Francis T Kirk O'Grady Alderley Edge w21= 25+ 1- 10+ 5= 2= 12= 9= 11= 17= 8-
19 Richard Geoffrey Eales Chester 23+ 2- 24+ 15- 16= 25+ 7= 13- 17- 27+ 12- 5
20 S M/H Williams Bath 22- 17= 26= 23- 29+ 24+ 13- 25- 27- bye+ 28+ 5
21 R A Wilson Wallasey b18= 14+ 11- 12= 17= 10- w23+ 22+d 7= 4- 9- 5
22 Derek Maurice Wise Bristol 20+ 26+ 5+ 6- 3- 9- 15= 21-d 23= 24+ 11- 5
23 David J Bruce Bristol 19- 27- 28+ 20+ 9- 7- b21- bye+ 22= 29+ 15-
24 David K Bryan Liverpool 25- 30+ 19- 27= 10- 20- 28+ 17- bye+ 22- 29+
25 G M Hughes Liverpool 24+ 18- 13+ 5= 4- 19- 17= 20+ 9- 15= 14-
26 John F Thorley Barnstaple 11+d 22- 20= 14- 27= 17= 8- 29+ 16- 28- bye+
27 Charles E Webb Liverpool 10- 23+ 3- 24= 26= 13- w14- 28+ 20+ 19- 16- 4
28 Simon N Anscombe Huddersfield 2- 12- 23- 8= 7- bye+ 24- 27- 29+ 26+ 20-
29 Jonathan Sydney Zalin Liverpool 30+ 15- 16- 9- 20- 8- bye+ 26- 28- 23- 24- 2
30 Stephen Charles Mobbs Bath 29- 24- 7- 17- withdrawn 0 / 4

1963 British Girls’ (Under-18) Championship

1963 British Girls'
Chess Championship
Residence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  Total 
 1  Marcia Syme (Morgan) Wallasey
1 0 1 1 1 1 5
2 Gillian A Moore Southampton 0
1 1 1 1 1 5
3 Dinah Margaret Dobson (Norman) Northwood 1 0
1 1 1 1 5
4 Rosemary Sawyer Bristol 0 0 0
0 1 1 2
5 Heather Tapper Bristol 0 0 0 1
0 1 2
6 Elizabeth Harman Bristol 0 0 0 0 1
1 2
7 Susan Pike Bristol 0 0 0 0 0 0

1963 BCF First Class

1963 BCF First Class Resid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Total 
1 William Bainbridge Wilmslow 7+ 10+ 11+ b2= 8+ 4- 3+ 13+ 6+ 5= 12+ 9
2 Graham Chesters, snr Crewe 15+ 13+ 4= w1= 7+ 3= 17+ 5+ 10+ 6= 11+ 9
3 R Morton Sudbury 20+ 4- b6+ 10= 11+ 2= 1- 7+ 15+ 8+ 13+ 8
4 Richard [Reginald] Graham Thimann Nottingham 19+ 3+ 2= 7- w18+ 1+ 10+ 8+ 15- 13+ 6-
5 Bryan Crowther Huddersfield 14= 17= 8- 13= 6= 18+ 12+ 2- 4+ 1= 15= 6
6 Ernest George Exell St Albans 17= 14= w3- 12- 5= bye+ 18+ 11+ 1- 2= 4+ 6
7 Charles Hatch Southport 1- 15+ 16+ 4+ 2- 11+ 14+ 3- 8- 9= 19= 6
8 A Archer Stoke-on-Trent 13- 9+ 5+ 14+ 1- 10+ 2- 4- 7+ 3- 16=
9 George Arthur Peck Rugby 12- 8- 19+ 17= 13- 16+ 15- 14= 18+ 7= 10+
10 J W Daniels Liverpool 18+ 1- 12+ 3= 17= 8- 4- 19+ 2- 16+ 9- 5
11 Herbert Francis Gook South Croydon 16+ 12+ 1- 18= 3- 7- 19+ 6- 14= 15+ 2- 5
12 H B Howard Chertsey 9+ 11- 10- 6+ 14= 13= 5- 15= 19= 18+ 1- 5
13 R Owen Dorchester 8+ 2- 14- 5= 9+ 12= 17+ 1- 16+ 4- 3- 5
14 L Buckland Swansea 5= 6= 13+ 8- 12= 17= 7- 9= 11= 19- 18=
15 Alfred Milner Manchester 2- 7- 18- bye+ 16= 19+ 9+ 12= 3- 11- 5=
16 Truman Victor Parrott Barnstaple 11- 20- 7- 19+ 15= 9- bye+ 18+ 13- 10- 8= 4
17 K/A Attenborough Kirkby 6= 5= 20= 9= 10= 14= 2- withdrawn 3 / 7
18 Geoffrey George Homan Rochester 10- 19+ 15+ 11= b4- 5- 6- 16- 9- 12- 14= 3
19 Arthur T Watson Worthing 4- 18- 9- 16- bye+ 15- 11- 10- 12= 14+ 7= 3
20 M E/F Robins   3- 16+ 17= withdrawn 1½ / 3

1963 BCF Second Class

1963 BCF Second Class Resid. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12  Total 
1 Stanley Denham Jacobs Newcastle
1 1 ½ 1 0 ½ 1 1 1 1 1 9
2 A Terrett Norwich 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 ½ 1 1
3 Robert J H Starks Bath 0 0
½ 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 ½ 7
4 John/Jack Salt Chesterfield ½ 0 ½
0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 6
5 J H Brown Farnborough 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 6
6 C C Hales Wellingborough 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 1 6
7 Miss Jean Pickles Preston ½ 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 0 ½ 5
8 G/C R Frost Norwich 0 0 1 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 5
9 Gregory Owen John Melitus London W2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1
0 1 1 5
10 G/S R Huggins Bristol 0 ½ 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1
11 D Ll Jones Barry 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
1 3
12 Francis Henry Bath Leicester 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 ½ 0 0 0 0

Leicester Evening Mail - Friday 16 August 1963


Heavy rain at Bath today drenched a young competitor on his way to the British Chess Federation congress.

Rather than play in his wet trousers he took them off, put them before an electric fire and, with a towel round his waist,
went into the congress room to play his game.

Competitors were so absorbed in their game that few noticed him.

Three hours later he put on his now-dry trousers.

File Updated

Date Notes
19 June 2019 Uploaded for the first time in this format. All 154 Championship games (which have been widely available for some time but now with dates and some newspaper sources), plus 80 games from subsidiary events, full results of all competitions, Championship crosstable, etc.
12 May 2020 Added one game from the First-Class section, Geoffrey Chesters vs Bainbridge. Thanks to Brian Denman.
8 May 2021 It's been pointed out on chessgames.com that the end of the game J.Littlewood-J.Penrose (Rd 4) makes no sense as Black has a series of obvious wins from move 36 onwards. Almost certainly an input error at move 34, when White cannot have played Kf1, which is nonsensical. Having examined the game, I've a strong feeling that White actually played 34 Re3 as this makes the most sense in the position, and after which the rest of the score hangs together well. I've substituted Re3 for Kf1 in the score. Later: Andy Ansel has kindly checked the 1963 bulletin and confirms that 34 Re3 was indeed played. Thanks, Andy.
1 May 2023 Added the (atrocious) game S.Pike 0-1 H.Tapper (Girls Under 18).
28 December 2023 A possible amendment to J.Penrose 1-0 M.Freeman (rd 7) applied.